Zurück Almost 5 million cataract surgeries in the EU in 2017

4. Dezember 2019

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Cataract surgeries, which means the extraction of the lens from an eye, were conducted 4.7 million times in 2017 across the EU Member States. In 13 of the Member States, cataract surgeries were performed 1 000 times or more per 100 000 inhabitants in 2017, peaking at 1 400 times per 100 000 inhabitants in Portugal (2015 data), followed by 1 300 each in Austria, France, Czechia and Latvia.

By contrast, cataract surgery was performed fewer than 400 times per 100 000 inhabitants in Romania, Cyprus and Ireland.


Infographic: Cataract surgery per 100 000 inhabitants, 2017

The source dataset can be found here.


For more information, see the Statistics Explained article Surgical operations and procedures statistics.

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