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Shedding light on energy in Europe
2024 edition


Lighting, heating, moving, producing: energy is vital for our day-to-day life.

Without energy, people and businesses cannot function. Turning on our computers or starting our cars are actions that we take for granted, yet they represent the final stage of a complex process.

This publication helps to make the complex topic of energy more understandable. It is aimed at the needs of those who are not familiar with the energy sector as well as more experienced users.


Energy sources

This section focuses on the different energy sources available in the EU – the energy produced in the EU as well as the energy imported.



Energy mix

The energy available in the European Union (EU) comes from energy produced in the EU and from energy imported from third countries. Therefore, to get a good overview of the total energy available in the EU, energy production should always be put into context alongside imports.

In 2022, the EU produced around 37% of its own energy, while 63% was imported.

Petroleum products have the largest share in the EU energy mix

In 2022, the energy mix in the EU, meaning the range of energy sources available, mainly consisted of five different sources: crude oil and (37%), natural gas (21%), (18%), (13%) and (11%).

The shares of the different energy sources in the vary considerably between EU countries. In 2022, the share of petroleum products in available energy was highest in Cyprus (87%), Malta (86%) and Luxembourg (61%), while natural gas was a significant energy source in Italy (37%), Hungary (31%), Ireland and the Netherlands (both 30%). Renewables had the largest share in Sweden (50%) and Latvia (42%), while nuclear energy accounted for 35% of energy available in France and 26% in Sweden. The share of solid fossil fuels was highest in Estonia (58%) and Poland (41%).

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EU energy production

The  in the EU is spread across a range of different energy sources: , natural gas, crude oil, , and (such as hydro, wind and solar energy).

Renewable energies account for the highest share in energy production

Renewable energy (43% of total EU energy production) was the largest contributing source to energy production in the EU in 2022. Nuclear energy (28%) was the second largest source, followed by solid fuels (19%), natural gas (6%) and crude oil (3%).

However, the production of energy is very different from one EU country to another. In 2022, renewable energy was the exclusive source of energy production in Malta (in other words, this country did not produce any other type of energy) and represented at least half in 15 other EU countries, with shares of 99.6% in Latvia, 98% in Portugal and 96% in Cyprus. The production of nuclear energy was quite significant in France (71% of total national energy production), Belgium (67%) and Slovakia (61%). Solid fuels were the main source of energy produced in Poland (70%), Estonia (59%), Czechia (46%) and Bulgaria (45%). Natural gas had the largest share in the Netherlands (53%), Ireland (37%) and Romania (34%), while the share of crude oil was largest in Denmark (33%).

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Energy imports and imports dependency

For its own consumption, the EU also needs energy that is imported from third countries. In 2022, the main imported energy product category was oil and petroleum products (including crude oil, which is the main component), accounting for 63% of energy imports into the EU, followed by natural gas (26%) and solid fossil fuels (7%).

Different patterns among EU countries

In 2022, in EU countries' energy imports, the highest shares of oil and petroleum products were in Cyprus (94%) and Malta (87%), of natural gas in Italy and Hungary (both 39%), and of solid fossil fuels in Poland (18%), Slovakia and Czechia (both 14%).

You can discover the main trading partners of your country and see the different trade flows using the interactive visualisation tool on energy trade.

Russia main EU supplier of oil and petroleum products, natural gas and solid fossil fuels in 2022

In 2022, more than half of the extra-EU oil and petroleum imports originated from five countries: Russia (21%), the United States (11%), Norway (10%), Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom (both 7%). A similar analysis shows that 64% of the EU's imports of natural gas came from Russia (23%), Norway (17%), the United States (14%) and Algeria (11%), while the biggest solid fossil fuel (mostly coal) imports originated from Russia (23%), followed by the United States (18%), Australia (16%), South Africa (14%) and Colombia (13%).

Due to the EU sanctions imposed as a consequence of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine since 2022, this situation is subject to change. The latest developments can be monitored via Eurostat’s monthly data.

EU energy imports dependency rate was 63% in 2022

The  shows the extent to which an economy relies upon imports to meet its energy needs. It is measured by the share of net imports (imports minus exports) in gross inland energy consumption (meaning the sum of energy produced and net imports).

In the EU in 2022, the energy imports dependency rate was equal to 63%, which means that 63% of the EU’s energy needs were met by net imports. However, the dependency rate varied across the EU countries, ranging from 99% in Malta, 92% in Cyprus, and 91% in Luxembourg to 6% in Estonia.

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Energy consumption

This section presents the different types of energy consumed, electricity and energy prices, and outlines the energy flows from production to final consumption.



Types of energy consumed

In 2022, out of the  in the EU, 67% was (final energy consumption), for example EU citizens, industry, and transport. The remaining 33% was mainly lost during electricity generation and distribution, used to support energy production processes, or consumed in non-energy uses (like asphalt or bitumen).

Petroleum products are the most consumed

In the EU in 2022, (such as heating oil, petrol, diesel fuel) represented 37% of final energy consumption, followed by electricity (23%), natural and manufactured gas (21%), direct use of (not transformed into electricity, for example wood, solar thermal, geothermal or biogas for space heating or hot water production; 12%), (such as district heating; 5%) and (mostly coal; 2%). The real consumption of renewable energy (23%) was higher than the direct use (12%), shown in the visualisation underneath, because other renewable sources, such as hydropower, wind power and solar photovoltaic, are included in electricity in the visualisation.

Within the EU countries, the final energy consumption pattern varied considerably in 2022. Petroleum products made up 55% of final energy consumption in Cyprus, Luxembourg, and Malta. Electricity accounted for 39% in Malta and 34% in Sweden, while gas made up 36% in the Netherlands and 29% in Slovakia, Hungary and Italy. Direct use of renewable energies accounted for 29% of final energy consumption in Sweden and 28% in Finland.

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The transport sector accounted for 31% of final energy consumption in the EU in 2022

In 2022 in the EU, the different had the following shares in final energy consumption: The transport sector (31% of final energy consumption in rail, road, domestic aviation, and inland shipping) had the highest share, followed by energy consumed by private households in citizens’ dwellings (27%), industry (25%), commercial and public services (13%), and agriculture, forestry and fishing (3%).

From production to final consumption

To properly interpret energy statistics, it is necessary to distinguish between primary and secondary energy products. A primary energy product is extracted or captured directly from natural resources, such as crude oil, firewood, natural gas or coal. This process is called primary production. Secondary energy products (such as electricity or motor gasoline) are produced as a result of a transformation process, either from a primary or from a different secondary energy product. Final consumers can use primary (for example natural gas for heating) or secondary energy products (such as motor gasoline to fill up their car tank).


Electricity production


From source to switch

From source to switch. Electricity matters to all of us. Where does electricity in the EU come from? 42% of the electricity generated in the EU comes from power stations burning or using combustible fuels (gas, oil, coal, biomass). A part of these fuels is produced in the EU and a part is imported from outside the EU. Some of the power stations also produce heat. 25% of the electricity generated in the EU comes from nuclear power stations, 13% of the electricity generated in the EU comes from windmills (renewable sources), 13% from hydropower and 5% from solar power power (renewable sources). Electricity is transmitted from these different sources to transformers near the consumer, and finally to the consumer’s socket. The data refer to the year 2021.


Renewables and fossil fuels come top in in electricity production in the EU

In 2022 in the EU, 23% of the was which came from various sources. and were the leading sources in electricity production (both 39%) ahead of nuclear power plants (22%).

Among renewable sources, the highest share of electricity came from wind turbines (15%), followed by hydropower plants (10%), solar power (8%) and biofuels (5%).

The sources of electricity production vary among the EU countries. In 2022, the highest shares of fossil fuels in electricity production were in recorded in Malta (87%), Cyprus (83%) and Poland (79%), while nearly 63% came from nuclear power plants in France, followed by Slovakia (60%). In Denmark, 54% of electricity production came from wind energy, while 55% in Latvia came from hydro power plants, followed by Austria (54%). The highest shares of both biofuels (27%) and solar in electricity production (23%) were in Luxembourg.

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Electricity and gas prices

Highest electricity prices, for households, in the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania

In order to compare prices of electricity and gas among the EU countries, national prices have been converted into euro. Exchange rate fluctuations can influence prices expressed in euro for non-euro area countries.

In the first half of 2023, household electricity prices, including taxes and levies, were highest in the Netherlands (€47.5 per 100 kWh), Belgium (€43.5) and Romania (€42), while the lowest prices were recorded in Bulgaria (€11) and Hungary (€12).

The share of taxes and levies in the electricity price was largest in Poland (49%) and Cyprus (38%), while it was smallest in Ireland (-82%) and Luxembourg (-50%), where the values were negative due to subsidies and allowances given to household consumers.

For non-household consumers, electricity prices (excluding VAT and other recoverable taxes and levies) in the first half of 2023 ranged from €33 per 100 kWh in Romania to €9.5 per 100 kWh in Finland.

Gas prices for non-household consumers highest in Sweden and Finland

Natural gas prices for household consumers, including taxes and levies, were highest in the Netherlands (€25 per 100 kWh) and Sweden (€22), and lowest in Hungary (€3) and Croatia (€4).

The share of taxes and levies in gas price was highest in Denmark (40%) and the Netherlands (36%), while it was smallest in Luxembourg (-71%) and Latvia (-14%).

For non-household consumers, electricity prices (excluding VAT and other recoverable taxes and levies) in the first half of 2023 ranged from €33 per 100 kWh in Romania to €9.5 per 100 kWh in Finland.

Natural gas prices for non-household consumers (excluding VAT and other recoverable taxes and levies) were highest in and Finland (€12 per 100 kWh both), and lowest in Belgium (€6) and Croatia (€7).

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Energy flows

An energy balance presents energy products (solid fuels, oil and petroleum products, gas, renewable energies, nuclear heat, electricity, etc.) of a country and their production, transformation, and consumption by different types of economic actors (industry, transport, etc.). It allows users to see the total amount of energy extracted from the environment, traded, transformed, and used by end-users.

Energy balances can be graphically represented through flow diagrams (also called Sankey diagrams), which allow users to visualise the interrelation of energy commodities in a more illustrative and intuitive way. These flows can be combined, split and traced through a series of events or processing stages.

The Sankey energy tool is based on a series of black nodes connected by flows. The nodes represent events or processes (imports, final energy consumption etc.) while the flows in different colours represent energy products. The width of each stream in the flow represents the amount of energy (fuel) in the flow.

Click on the link below to open the tool and build your own diagram!



Energy and environment

This section presents data on greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and renewable energy.



Greenhouse gas emissions

Climate change is a threat to sustainable development. After years of extensive research, the scientific community have agreed that man-made are the dominant cause of the Earth’s average temperature increases for over the past 250 years (IPCC, 2014). Man-made GHG emissions are primarily a by-product of burning of fuels in power plants, cars, or homes. Farming and waste decaying in landfills are also sources of GHG emissions.

EU greenhouse gas emissions declined steadily from 2010 to 2014, then rose slightly until 2017 after which they dropped again, but in 2021 emissions increased by 5% compared with 2020.

In 2021, EU GHG emissions were 3.5 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent, which is 28% lower than in the reference year 1990. The agreed target for 2030 is a 55% reduction and for 2050 a 100% reduction (net zero emissions). For 2040 the Commission has proposed a 90% reduction as an intermediate target.

GHG emissions were below 1990 levels in 24 EU countries. The largest reductions, between 55% and 68%, were recorded in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Romania.

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Shares of sectors in GHG emissions evolving

In 2021, fuel combustion by energy users (excluding transport) had the highest share (28%, was 30% in 1990) in total greenhouse gas emissions, ahead of the energy producing industries (25%, was 33% in 1990) and fuel combustion in transport (24%, was 15% in 1990).

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Energy efficiency

One of the priorities of the Energy Union strategy is to increase energy efficiency, mainly by cutting the EU’s overall energy use and managing energy in a more cost-effective way. Improving energy efficiency contributes to achieving energy savings, protecting the environment, mitigating climate change, and reducing the EU's reliance on external suppliers of oil and gas.

In concrete terms, using less energy means reducing , which is the total domestic energy demand, and , which is the energy actually consumed by end users, not including what the energy sector needs itself as well as transformation and distribution losses.

Energy consumption down in 2022

In 2022, primary energy consumption reached 1 257  (Mtoe). This is 1.7% higher than in 2020, when consumption reached its lowest level due to the impact of the pandemic, but still the second-lowest level since 1990 (the first year for which data are available). The 2022 level is 11.4% away from the EU 2030 target (no more than 1 128 Mtoe primary energy consumption).

Also, final energy consumption decreased in 2022 (to 940 Mtoe, -2.8% compared with 2021), to the lowest level since 2014, except the year 2020, which was impacted by the pandemic. The 2022 level is 11.2% away from the 2030 target (no more than 846 Mtoe).

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Renewable energy


From wind to watts

From wind to watts, statistics on renewable energy. Renewable energies are naturally renewed or replenished by nature. From the very beginning, human beings have used renewable energy for many purposes. We can consume renewable energy directly but we can also buy electricity produced from renewable energy sources. What does renewable energy produced in the EU consist of? 58% of renewable energy consists of burning renewable sources. What are they? Wood, biogas, biogasoline and biodiesel. 14% of renewable energy produced in the EU comes from wind energy, 12% of renewable energy produced in the EU comes from hydro power, 9% of renewable energy produced in the EU comes from geothermal energy and heat pumps (heat from the earth, water or ambient air), 7% of renewable energy produced in the EU comes from solar energy (2021 data). In 2021, renewable energy accounted for 21.8% of our energy consumption, compared with 9.6% in 2004.


Steady growth in the share of renewables in energy consumption

The in the EU was 9.6% in 2004, 16.7% in 2013 and 23.0% in 2022. The only year with a decrease was 2021, when the COVID-19 restrictions linked to the pandemic were lifted which had a significant effect. The current EU target is to reach 32% renewables by 2030.

Sweden had by far the highest share of renewables in energy consumption (66.0%) in 2022, ahead of Finland (47.9%) and Latvia (43.3%). The lowest proportions of renewables were recorded in Ireland (13.1%), Malta (13.4%) and Belgium (13.8%). Differences stem partly from variations in the endowment with natural resources, mostly in the potential for building hydropower plants and in the availability of biomass.

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EU policies

The European Green Deal is the ambitious EU climate policy that aims for Europe to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050.

In particular, reaching this target will require action by all sectors of the economy, including investing in environmentally friendly technologies, decarbonising the energy sector, ensuring buildings are more energy efficient and rolling out cleaner forms of private and public transport.


On 11 December 2019 the European Commission announced the European Green Deal to transform the EU into the first climate neutral continent by 2050. The European Commission has been working to achieve a just and inclusive transition, a clean, affordable and secure energy supply, a modernised EU industry, a clean and circular economy, the protection of biodiversity, sustainable, resilient and smart mobility, a fair and healthy food system. The EU’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic will be a green recovery.


The energy union is the main energy policy instrument to deliver the changes necessary to decarbonise our energy system. The goal of the Energy Union is to give EU consumers – households and businesses – secure, sustainable, competitive, and affordable energy.

To ensure that policies and measures at various levels are coherent, complementary and sufficiently ambitious, the Energy Union adopted a strong governance mechanism, based on integrated national energy and climate plans.

The annual state of the energy union report monitors progress made to bring about the transition to a low-carbon, secure and competitive economy. It also highlights the issues where further attention is needed.

Using reliable high-quality data to monitor the policy targets under the European Green Deal and the Energy Union packages, will enhance the credibility of EU energy policy.





About this publication

Shedding light on energy in the EU is an interactive publication released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Information on data

Data shown in the visualisations are linked directly to the online database (and thus accordingly updated) up to the reference period mentioned in the title of each visualisation. The accompanying text (and the notes in the 3rd visualisation) were finalised during the first half of March 2024 and reflect the data situation at that moment in time. The energy interactive tools referred to in the publication are continuously updated.

For more information


If you have questions on the data, please contact Eurostat user support.

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This publication should not be considered as representative of the European Commission’s official position.

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Cover photo: © Nuttsue / Shutterstock.com
Energy sources: © Bits And Splits / Shutterstock.com
Energy consumption: © Milos Muller / Shutterstock.com
Energy and environment: © Kampan / Shutterstock.com

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Catalogue number: KS-FW-24-002-EN-Q
ISBN 978-92-68-12833-6
ISSN 2600-3368