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This summary report describes the progress made by the Member States in implementing the RDP evaluation plans over the calendar year 2017. The summary is based on the screening of Chapter 2 of 115 Annual Implementation Reports (AIRs) submitted to the European Commission in 2018.

This factsheet explores Sweden’s approach to the evaluation of broadband support.

Discover articles on:

  • How evaluators in Slovakia are preparing and conducting the evaluation of impacts in 2019
  • The road towards a new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
  • Overview of RDP evaluations in the Member States

  Expand your knowledge of:

  • Assessing CAP Pillar II impacts in achieving the balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities. 

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Approaches to Assess Socio-economic and Sector Related RDP Impacts in 2019', which was co-hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development and Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 

The workshop aimed at showing and discussing practical examples of evaluation approaches for assessing the socio-economic and sector related CAP Pillar II impact indicators and for answering the related Common Evaluation Questions (CEQ) in 2019.


factsheet NRN CZ
This factsheet focuses specifically on the support provided to the RDP evaluation by the Czech National Rural Network.

These non-binding Guidelines aim to examine the challenges in relation to the evaluation activities for the AIR in 2019 by:

  • Presenting practical approaches to estimate the RDP’s net contributions to the common CAP impact indicators and assess the progress in achieving the EU level objectives; 
  • Providing support for answering the common evaluation questions (CEQs) 22-30 and for reporting on evaluation findings to the European Commission in the AIRs submitted in 2019.

The Guidelines are structured in four parts (presented in three documents):

  • PART I (primarily for Managing Authorities): informs about the legal requirements and outlines how to report in 2019 on the CEQs 22-30. Part I contains references to other existing guidance. 
  • PART II (primarily for evaluators): offers methodological support for assessing the common impact indicators of Pilar II (sectoral, environmental and socio-economic impacts). This part explains each intervention logic, the use of additional evaluation elements, explains the data requirements, the units of assessment and guides the reader through choosing the most appropriate evaluation approaches for netting out the RDP’s contributions to the values of the CAP impact indicators. Furthermore, Part II also suggests approaches to assess RDP contributions towards achieving the EU 2020 strategy and innovation. 
  • PART III: contains the fiches for answering the CEQs 22–30.
  • PART IV: contains the technical annex including more detailed information on the approaches to assess the CAP impact indicators and the glossary of terms.

Discover articles on:

  • Assessing RDP Impacts in 2019: How to Choose the Most Suitable Evaluation Approach?
  • Communicating on Rural Development Programmes
  • Seventh Good Practice Workshop: Showing the Added Value of Leader/CLLD Through Evaluation

  Expand your knowledge of:

  • Assessing CAP Pillar II impacts on the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Climate Actions

This report summarises the majour outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Showing the added value of LEADER/CLLD through evaluation', which was co-hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development and the Finnish Rural Network (NRN) and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

The workshop aimed at shaping a common understanding and definition of added value and its links with the LEADER/CLLD delivery mechanism and method, exchanging experiences among Member States, and discussing challenges and recommendations on possible evaluation approaches on how to show the added value of LEADER/CLLD.



Discover articles on:

  • EvaluationWORKS! 2017
  • Sixth Good Practice Workshop: NRNs’ support to the evaluation of RDPs
  • A Network approach to measure the social capital in LEADER/CLLD

  Expand your knowledge of:

  • Assessing CAP Pillar II impacts on the competitiveness of agriculture

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop (GPW), “National Rural Networks’ (NRNs) support to the evaluation of RDPs”, which took place on 30 November – 1 December in Athens (Greece).

The aim of this workshop was to explore the possible activities of NRNs in supporting the evaluation of RDPs throughout the evaluation cycle. This workshop provided a space for the exchange of experiences on how NRNs can support building evaluation capacities and raising awareness on evaluation. Furthermore, participants discussed challenges and developed recommendations for the more efficient use of NRN resources in supporting RDP evaluations.

This workshop brought together evaluators, Managing Authorities, NRNs, EC representatives, researchers, evaluators, rural development stakeholders and members of the Evaluation Helpdesk team.

Practical examples from the Italian and Portugese NRNs as well as poster presentations from Germany, France, Latvia, Poland and Estonia were presented during this workshop and are summarised in this report.
