Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 270.

To estimate the effectiveness of management agreements on breeding bird populations in the agricultural area, the Flemish Research Institute of Nature and Forest designed in 2010 a monitoring network of 14 areas spread across Flanders. Territorial mapping is used to determine whether the population trend of field birds is more positive in areas without management measures. It was examined whether the trends obtained can be explained by the surface area of management agreements.  

For the purpose of computing this indicator, activity on field data collection on common bird species in agricultural habitats was undertaken.

The project consists of the following elements:

a) Implementation of field counting of birds

b) the entry of field data in the database of "Monitoring of Common Birds of Agricultural Habitats in Croatia"

c) drawing up a report on the results of the counting of common bird species for 2016.

The performance assessment focused on the impact of the Mainland Finland RDP on the development of competitiveness of the agricultural sector. The main RDP tools for improving competitiveness are the measures relating to training and information, Farm Advisory Services, investments, development of farms and businesses, basic services, and village development. The evaluation looked at the development of the structure of the Finnish agriculture, assessed short supply chains and the economic status of the producers, and the productivity of agricultural enterprises was analysed.

The evaluation was based on existing monitoring and statistical data. The evaluation will be repeated in 2019, when the quantitative assessment will aim to identify the net impacts of the RDP, distinguishing them from the changes in the operating environment.

This evaluation focuses on business diversification, improved employment, services and empowerment, including improving the accessibility, use and quality of information and communication technologies in rural areas. The data used in the evaluation for the program are from 2014 to 2018.

The evaluation examined the implementation, results and preliminary impact of the advisory measure for the Rural Development Program for Continental Finland 2014-2020. The Rural Development Program for mainland Finland is part of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).


For the purpose of computing this indicator, field data collection activity has been undertaken on common bird species in agricultural habitats.

The project consists of the following elements:

a) Implementation of field counting of birds

b) the entry of field data in the database of "Monitoring of Common Birds of Agricultural Habitats in Croatia"

c) drawing up a Report on the Results of Counting Common Birds for 2017.

This report covers the calculation of the index of frequent bird species on farms habitats for 2018. The index of frequent bird species in agricultural habitats is one of basic indicators to measure and evaluate the impact of EU agricultural policy and practice on natural components.


The Guidelines: Evaluation of LEADER/CLLD is a non-binding document, which serves to complement the legal requirements relating to LEADER/CLLD evaluations. The document clarifies the common elements related to LEADER/CLLD evaluations and gives a wider set of recommendations on how to formulate and manage LEADER/CLLD evaluations, both at the RDP and LAG levels. The Guidelines are drafted to be a practical, hands-on guide for LEADER/CLLD evaluation stakeholders. They include step-by-step recommendations on the process and available methodologies for the evaluation of LEADER/CLLD. The Guidelines are divided into four parts:

  • Part 1: introduces LEADER/CLLD as part of the rural development policy and shows its links with other CLLD instruments financed by the ESI Funds.
  • Part 2: explains the evaluation cycle at the RDP level and describes how to assess the contributions of LEADER/CLLD towards fulfilling the EU, national and RDP objectives. 
  • Part 3: provides recommendations for LAGs on how to conduct evaluation activities at the local level, and what support the MA, NRN and other stakeholders may provide to LAGs for this purpose.
  • Part 4: glossary. 

These guidelines serve as a tool to support the LAGs in the evaluations they must implement to consolidate their management skills. The main objective is to harmonize the evaluation activities between LAGs in order to make the paths and the outcomes of the evaluations better comparable.
