Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 270.

This evaluation describes the results of the calculation of the Farmland Bird Index. After the bird population was reduced to 55% in 2018 in relation to the reference value of 1998, the value recovered to 63 % in 2019.

This report assesses how the Mainland Finland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 has been able to achieve the environmental objectives set for it. The study was divided into three sections: case studies, review of the implementation of environmental measures and evaluation of their effectiveness.

in 2017, monitoring of 16 selected qualifying bird species was carried out at Natura 2000 sites for birds (SPA). Some of them, especially species of mosaical farmland or extensively managed wet meadows, are on the brink of extinction in Slovenia, e.g. Eurasian Curlew, Lesser Grey Shrike and Ortolan Bunting. The only two farmland species with increase are the White Stork, which extended its range towards western and southern Slovenia, and the Lesser Grey Shrike at Vipava valley.

A follow-up of support within the program. The number of applicants and applied for area for environmental compensation for the management of wetlands and dams has increased during the period

Tool 1.2 - Indicative outline of terms of reference for the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan: provides a generic template for tendering out the ex ante evaluation. The template additionally provides practical hints to be considered while tendering the evaluation. 

The contracted service encompassed the calculation of the Farmland bird Index, i.e. the index of ‘common’ birds occurring in farmlands across Croatia. The Farmland Bird Index (FBI) is one of the major baseline indicators measuring and assessing the influence of agricultural policies and practices on both natural habitats and species in the EU. For the first time the FBI has been calculated for the Republic of Croatia and the year 2015 has been set as the reference year in which the FBI has by default been set to the value of 100.
