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Total results: 270.

The main objective of the Guidelines is to provide a non-binding complement to other guidelines and offer advice to RDP evaluation stakeholders on how to carry out the evaluation activities for answering the common evaluation questions related to innovation. Since the RDP’s effects on innovation in rural areas can be expected to take place, most likely, in the long-term, the guidelines focus in particular on those evaluation related activities, which will be reported in the AIR in 2019 and in the ex post evaluation. The Guidelines are structured in three parts:

  • Chapter 1: explains the innovation system in rural areas and the concept of the evaluation of innovation in rural development. The concept introduces the EU and RDP policy framework and how they interrelate with each other, as well as the overview of the common evaluation elements.
  • Chapter 2: informs Managing Authorities about specificities linked to managing the evaluation of innovation and reporting requirements. Chapter 2.2 explains the approaches to answering the innovation related evaluation questions and provides specific guidance for each of the common evaluation questions: numbers 1, 2, 21, 23 and 30 concerning those aspects which relate to innovation.
  • Chapter 3 (Annexes): includes the glossary and the steps for identifying the RDP innovation potential.


SEO / BirdLife has updated until 2019 the CCI 35, Farmland Bird Index for the Castilla-La Mancha territory, giving continuity to the studies of previous years.  

The purpose of the evaluation was to show whether the implementation of the relevant measure M19, ‘LEADER support for local development (community-led local development)’, has had positive results. 

This report is part of the evaluation of the broadband investments financed through the rural development program and regional fund programs in Sweden.

The knowledge overview is made to lay the foundation for future evaluations of investments in broadband during the program period 2014-2020. In this program period, there is broadband support within both the rural development program and within three of the regional fund programs. It is important to evaluate these investments for several reasons: they are large investments, they are funded from two different European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI funds), and they have potentially large and important effects on rural development and regional growth.

The focus of this evaluation report is answering the following Evaluation Question: ‘To what extent were the interventions within the framework of the LEADER project funding in the field of nature conservation, restoration, preservation and improvement of biological diversity supported?’

This evaluation report examines how the rural network and its activities are coordinated. The Network Services Unit has succeeded in achieving its performance targets for 2015 and 2016.

The report also presents development proposals based on evaluation findings.

The evaluation of the rural network has been carried out in the summer of 2017

The study assesses the impact of RDP support on the development of organic farming, providing an assessment of the effectiveness of existing types of support, as well as developing recommendations for the types of support and the conditions for receiving support in the next programming period.
