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Policies for the next generation
Common indicator 14: Number of young people aged 15-29 receiving support

Support to children and the youth is essential to ensure that the next generation of Europeans is not permanently affected by the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and that the generational gap is not further deepened. Common indicator 14 shows the number of young people aged 15-29 receiving support through the RRF, including monetary and in-kind support, such as education, training and employment support.

The indicator contributes to pillar 6 (policies for the next generation).

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Evolution of Number of young people aged 15-29 receiving support

This graph shows the number of young people aged 15-29 that have received support under the RRF. The data for Slovakia for 2022-S1 could not be published due to ongoing data checks. This indicator is a flow indicator, which means that reported numbers represent the current situation in the reporting round and its values can fluctuate over time.

Number of young people aged 15-29 receiving support by Gender