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Common indicator 3: Alternative fuels infrastructure (refuelling/recharging points)

Tackling the decarbonisation of the transport sector is crucial to achieve the EU’s climate and environmental goals. Common indicator 3 displays the number of new or upgraded refuelling and recharging points for clean vehicles installed through measures under the RRF. These comprise alternative fuels or power sources, including hydrogen, which can substitute fossil fuels.

The indicator contributes to pillar 1 (green transition) and pillar 3 (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth).

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Evolution of Alternative fuels infrastructure (refuelling/recharging points)

This graph shows the number of refuelling and recharging points installed. This indicator is a stock indicator, which means that numbers are added cumulatively, and its values can only increase over time.

Alternative fuels infrastructure (refuelling/recharging points) by infrastructure Type and Fuel Type