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Common indicator 6: Enterprises supported to develop or adopt digital products, services and processes

The development and deployment of digital technologies and processes are essential for increasing the Union’s resilience and innovative potential. Common indicator 6 shows the number of firms that receive support to develop or to adopt digital products, services and processes. These include advanced digital technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and block chain.

The indicator contributes to pillar 2 (digital transformation) and pillar 3 (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth).

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Evolution of Enterprises supported to develop or adop digital products, services and processes

This graph shows the number of enterprises supported to develop or adopt digital products, services and processes. This indicator is a flow indicator, which means that reported numbers represent the current situation in the reporting round and its values can fluctuate over time.

Enterprises supported to develop or adopt digital products, services and processes by Support Type and Size