Green transition
Digital transformation
Smart, sustainable and inclusive..
Social & territorial cohesion
Health, economic, social...
Policies for the next generation
Common indicator 10: Number of participants in education or training

Reforms and investments in education and training systems are crucial to prepare citizens for the digital and green transitions. Common indicator 10 displays the number of participants in education and training due to support received through RRF measures. A particular focus is placed on trainings to improve digital skills, in light of their ever-growing importance on the labour market and in society.

The indicator contributes to pillar 2 (digital transformation), pillar 4 (social and territorial cohesion) and pillar 6 (policies for the next generation).

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Evolution of Number of participants in education or training

This graph shows the number of participants in education or training, including digital skills training. The data for Slovakia for 2022-S1 could not be published due to ongoing data checks. This indicator is a flow indicator, which means that reported numbers represent the current situation in the reporting round and its values can fluctuate over time.

Number of participants in education or training by Gender and Age

Some Member States have estimated the disaggregated figures for illustrative purposes.