Milestones and targets

One of the key features of the Recovery and Resilience Facility is its performance-based nature. RRF funds are disbursed when Member States have satisfactorily fulfilled key steps in the implementation of the reforms and investments included in the recovery and resilience plans. These key implementation steps are referred to as milestones and targets. Milestones represent a qualitative implementation step, targets a quantitative implementation step.

The milestones and targets each Member State has to achieve are set in a Council Implementing Decision. For milestones and targets to show as satisfactorily fulfilled, Member States should complete the corresponding steps of the reforms and investments, and send relevant proof to the European Commission, which should give a positive assessment. The fact that a milestone/target does not yet show as satisfactorily fulfilled does not mean that it is not being implemented or already completed.

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Milestones and targets per type of measure

This graph displays the overall number of milestones and targets, divided between reforms and investments.

Milestones and targets fulfilment status

This graph displays the share of satisfactorily fulfilled milestones and targets. A milestone or target is fulfilled once a Member State has provided the evidence to the Commission by submitting a payment request (maximum twice a year) that it has completed the milestone or target in a satisfactory manner and the Commission has assessed it positively in an implementing decision.

List of fulfilled milestones and targets

Displayed below are all the satisfactorily fulfilled milestones and targets, which means that they have been reported as completed by the Member States and subsequently assessed as satisfactorily fulfilled by the Commission. The list contains details on each satisfactorily fulfilled milestone or target, including the related measure and the policy pillars it contributes to. The list also includes quantitative indicators for targets and qualitative indicators for milestones. It also indicates the date of the disbursement related to that milestone or target.

Green transition
Digital transformation
Smart, sustainable and inclusive..
Social & territorial cohesion
Health, economic, social...
Policies for the next generation