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Policies for the next generation
Common indicator 7: Users of new and upgraded public digital services, products and processes

Effective e-government services can provide a wide variety of benefits including less red tape, faster services for citizens and businesses, and savings for governments. Common indicator 7 captures the number of users of new and improved public digital services, products and processes due to RRF support. These include both citizens and public administration officials.

The indicator contributes to pillar 2 (digital transformation) and pillar 5 (health, and economic, social and institutional resilience).

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Evolution of Users of new and upgraded public digital services, products and processes

This graph shows the users per year of new and upgraded public digital services, products and processes. The same person can use the service multiple times, in which case they would be counted multiple times. The data for Germany could not be published due to ongoing data checks. This indicator is a flow indicator, which means that reported numbers represent the current situation in the reporting round and its values can fluctuate over time.