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Common indicator 13: Classroom capacity of new or modernised childcare and education facilities

Investments in educational infrastructure to modernise existing buildings or to build new facilities are key for improving quality, equity and efficiency in education. Common indicator 13 captures the classroom capacity of new or modernised childcare and education facilities due to RRF support. This includes early childhood education and care facilities, schools and higher education facilities.

The indicator contributes to pillar 4 (social and territorial cohesion) and pillar 6 (policies for the next generation).

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Evolution of Classroom capacity of new or modernised childcare and education facilities

This graph shows the capacity of new or modernised childcare facilities. Capacity means the maximum number of pupils and students that can use the classrooms in the facility per year. All new facilities built or existing facilities modernised thanks to the RRF are included in this indicator. This indicator is a stock indicator, which means that numbers are added cumulatively, and its values can only increase over time.