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Common indicator 9: Enterprises supported (of which: small – including micro, medium, large)

The COVID-19 crisis has had a heavy impact on the entire EU economy, and the recovery shows different progress in Member States and across sectors. Small and medium-sized enterprises have particularly suffered from the crisis.  Common indicator 9 shows the number of enterprises supported by measures under the RRF, through both monetary and in-kind support. It differentiates between small (including micro), medium and large enterprises.

The indicator contributes to pillar 3 (smart growth, sustainable and inclusive growth).

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Evolution of Enterprises supported (of which small - including micro, medium, large)

This graph shows the number of enterprises supported through the RRF. The data for Germany could not be published due to ongoing data checks. This indicator is a flow indicator, which means that reported numbers represent the current situation in the reporting round and its values can fluctuate over time.

Enterprise supported (of which: micro & small, medium, large) by Size