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World Water Week: Connecting communities to Water in Mozambique English (en)


For 1.2 billion people - nearly a fifth of the world's population - access to safe drinking water remains a distant dream. Women and girls are particularly affected - they walk miles every day, fetching and carrying water for their families, which means they miss out on opportunities to work and go to school.

En savoir plus… English (en)

World Water Week: Stories from the field, part 1 English (en)


This week we are celebrating World Water Week, which has been the annual focal point for the globe's water issues since 1991. Since 2000, the EU has been committed to meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015. The EU actions have impact on the ground and make the difference for people in different places on the planet.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Semaine mondiale de l'eau 2011: Andris Piebalgs réaffirme la lutte de l'UE pour l'eau et son assainissement pour les populations les plus pauvres


À l'occasion de la semaine mondiale de l'eau (21-29 août), le commissaire chargé du développement, M. Andris Piebalgs, réaffirme l'engagement de l'UE à atteindre l'objectif du millénaire pour le développement qui consiste à réduire de moitié, d'ici 2015, la proportion de population privée d'un accès durable à un approvisionnement en eau potable et à des services d'assainissement de base.

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Togo: Double gains through the joint EU-UN project English (en)


Northern and Eastern Togo was heavily hit by floods in 2011, while the 2008 floods affected rural populations and infrastructures in the Southern country. Food price increased as a result to high transport costs after the destruction of infrastructures. Just in the Northern part of the country, a total of 2,200MT of food was distributed by UN agencies to 65,000 people in November 2008 as aftermaths of floods.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Aider la Somalie à se relever et à se développer: la Commission européenne investit 175 millions d'euros supplémentaires dans la gouvernance, l'éducation et la sécurité alimentaire


Bruxelles, le 5 août 2011 - M. Andris Piebalgs, commissaire européen responsable du développement, a annoncé ce jour la décision de renforcer l'engagement à long terme de l'Europe en faveur de la Somalie en lui octroyant 175 millions d'euros supplémentaires d'aide au développement. Les fonds iront au Somaliland, au Puntland et à d'autres régions bénéficiant déjà de conditions de sécurité viables et de niveaux de gouvernance minimums, ainsi qu'à la Somalie centrale, où la situation se stabilise et permet à l'aide au développement de faire la différence.

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The EU increases its support for conflict prevention and resolution in Africa with EUR 40 million English (en)


The European Commission confirmed its support to the implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) by providing an additional EUR 40 million to the African Union. This brings the EU allocation to APSA to a total of EUR 84.5 million from the African Peace Facility (APF) since 2004. The APSA was established by the African Union (AU) in collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities (RECS) in 2000. Its role is to deal with prevention, management and resolution of conflicts in Africa.

En savoir plus… English (en)

Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page