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Le Commissaire Piebalgs au lancement de l'observatoire sur la migration de l'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique


Jeudi soir, le Commissaire Piebalgs a participé à la session de fermeture du lancement de l'observatoire ACP. Le Commissaire a dit : «Les flux migratoires sud-sud ont tendance à recevoir moins d'attention que les mouvements sud-nord. Cependant, le nombre d'émigrants d'un pays du sud vers un autre situé également dans le sud est extrêmement important et a un impact sur le développement. L'observatoire ACP sur la migration va nous aider à avoir vue pour claire sur ces flux migratoires et ainsi formuler des politiques adéquates.»

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La Commission supporte le processus électoral en République centrafricaine


Le 25 octobre, la Commission a donné € 9.5 millions pour supporter le processus électoral en République centrafricaine. Le Commissaire a dit: «Le support de l'UE au processus électoral permettra à ce pays d'honorer ses engagements envers la consolidation démocratique. Des élections présidentielle et législative qui sont bien préparées, libres et crédibles constituent une condition essentielle pour le processus de construction de la paix en République centrafricaine.»

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Fight against illegal timber exports: the EU and the Democratic Republic of Congo launch negotiations English (en)


Today, Commissioner Andris Piebalgs, José Bononge Endundo -Minister for Environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation Charles Michel, on behalf of the EU Belgian Presidency, signed a declaration to launch the negotiations for a voluntary partnership agreement on the export of legal timber to the EU, named Forest Law Enforcement, Government and Trade agreement (FLEGT). This is the first step in the negotiation process, which is expected to be finalised by mid-2013. The objective of this agreement is to ensure that wood products from the DRC will carry a license showing that they contain timber and wood products from a legal origin.

En savoir plus… English (en)

La Commission lance une consultation sur le futur de l'appui budgétaire de l'UE aux pays tiers


Today the European Commission launched a public consultation on the future of EU budget support to developing countries. Budget support entails the transfer of aid directly to the budget of partner countries in order to allow the financing of key government functions. The broad consultation among all interested stakeholders seeks to draw lessons from more than a decade of providing budget support. It invites views and evidence on both the opportunities of this tool for the future and on challenges remaining to improve its quality, value for money and impact. With five years to go on the 2015 deadline of the Millennium Development Goals, the Commission wants to ensure that EU development assistance reaches its full potential in our partner countries.

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Commissioner Piebalgs delivers a keynote address at the CONCORD conference "The Millennium Development Goals after the UN Summit: Moving Forward or Backwards?"


Today Commissioner Piebalgs delivers a keynote address at the CONCORD conference in Brussels, which aims to analyse the outcome of the MDG Summit in New York and discuss the way forward with experts, civil society representatives and EU officials. During the event the participants discuss the following topics: MDGs and financing for development, MDGs and food security, MDGs and decent work, MDGs challenged by climate change.

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Le Commissaire Piebalgs visite la Slovénie pour promouvoir la politique de développement et participer aux 2ème journées du développement slovène


Aujourd'hui, 15 octobre, le Commissaire Piebalgs est en Slovénie pour promouvoir la politique de développemen et s'adresser à l'audience des 2ème journées du développement slovène à Ljubljana.


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Commissioner Piebalgs to attend the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund English (en)


On 8 and 9 October, European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs is in Washington to attend the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) where he will deliver a speech to the Development Committee, the World Bank's and IMF's ministerial forum on development issues. On 8th October, he will be a key note speaker at the German Marshall Fund to discuss "how to make Development Sustainable in time of austerity".

En savoir plus… English (en)

Les Européens attendent les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement


Commissioner Piebalgs met with the representatives of the coalition of NGOs, unions, movements and solidarity groups, called 11.11.11. The coalition presented the message from the European citizens who are waiting for the world leaders to act (see the movie) and hand in the video to the Commissioner.

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L'UE et le Cameroun se réunissent pour s'assurer de l'origine légale des produits forestiers


Commissioner Piebalgs said: «This Agreement is a major step forward in our fight against illegal logging and will contribute to economic development and poverty alleviation in Cameroon. The Agreement at the same time responds to the ever stronger expectations in Europe for verified legality of timber products. It will benefit the European consumers because they can be sure that when they buy wood from Cameroon, it is from a legal origin.»

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Le Commissaire Piebalgs propose une augmentation de 10% au GTAFM (Fonds global pour combattre le SIDA, la tuberculose et la malaria)


Commissioner Piebalgs said: «Two weeks ago during the UN MDG Summit the world committed to turn Millennium Development «Goals» into «Realities». Today, we can turn our commitments into actions. Creating more and inclusive growth in developing countries to reach the MDGs can simply not be achieved without a healthy population. The EU will continue to support the Global Fund in fight against these deadly diseases.»

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Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page