New paper on how higher energy prices affect EU households published
The European Commission has published a working paper on the economic and distributional effects of higher energy prices on households in the EU.
Automation, algorithms and the need to adapt: how is AI reshaping the world of work?
In this episode of Real economy, Euronews travels to the Netherlands to looks at Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications in terms of productivity and privacy.
Commission promotes skills partnership to advance the digitalisation of the energy sector
Today, with the support of the European Commission, partners from the energy industry have established a large-scale skills partnership to boost skills development in the digitalisation of the energy sector across Europe.
Commission welcomes political agreement on improving working conditions in platform work
The European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached today between the European Parliament and the EU Member States on the Directive on improving the working conditions in platform work, which was proposed by the Commission in December 2021.
Kommission vertritt die Auffassung, dass Ungarns Justizreform die Mängel bei der Unabhängigkeit der Justiz behoben hat, hält aber die Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Haushaltskonditionalität aufrecht
Die Europäische Kommission hat zwei Beschlüsse zu Ungarn und zur Lage der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Ungarn angenommen. Eine bezog sich auf die Justizreform und die andere auf den Konditionalitätsregelung für den Haushalt. Diesen Beschlüssen gingen verschiedene Verfahren voraus, die von der Kommission und dem Rat im Dezember 2022 eingeleitet wurden.
Mediterranean Regional Platform met to discuss the implementation of the declaration on employment and labour
Representatives of 20 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) met in Berlin at the 15th Regional Platform on Employment and Labour. The discussion involved representatives of social partners and focused on youth employment as well as on the state-of-play of the implementation of the 2022 UfM Marrakech Ministerial Declaration and the new declaration to be issued in 2024
How can we involve disadvantaged children in public decision-making?
European Commission met the participants of “Reaching In” project, funded by Eurochild, to discuss how to increase the impact that marginalised children have on public decision-making.
Reisen ins Ausland? Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte
Urlaube und Auslandsreisen sind lustig und spannend, aber es kann zu Unfällen kommen. Die Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte bietet Ihnen auf Reisen Zugang zu notwendigen medizinischen Leistungen in jedem EU-Land.
Antwort der Europäischen Kommission auf die Schreiben der Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur vorgeschlagenen Richtlinie zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen in der Plattformarbeit
Die Europäische Kommission antwortet auf die jüngsten Schreiben der Bürgerinnen und Bürger, in denen sie ihre Besorgnis über die laufenden Verhandlungen über die Richtlinie zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen in der Plattformarbeit zum Ausdruck bringen.
Large-scale skills partnership for the health industry launched with support of the Commission
With the support of the Commission, stakeholders from the healthcare sector, including pharma companies and universities, have established a large-scale skills partnership to increase training across Europe in that area that is crucial for EU industrial and social prosperity.