Sysselsättning, socialpolitik och inkludering

Monitoring framework on Access to social protection for workers and the self-employed

Monitoring framework on Access to social protection for workers and the self-employed

On 8 November 2019, EPSCO Council adopted the Council Recommendation on Access to social protection, in which Member States are recommended to ensure that all workers and the self-employed can:

  • adhere to social protection schemes (closing formal coverage gaps),
  • build-up and take-up entitlements, which can be preserved, accumulated or transferred across schemes (improving effective coverage),
  • receive sufficient and timely benefits, contribute in a proportionate manner (adequacy)
  • and are informed about their rights and obligations (transparency).

Supporting and monitoring the implementation of the Recommendation will be key to its success.

In its meeting of 26 November 2019, the Social Protection Committee (SPC) gave a mandate to the Indicators Sub Group of the Social Protection Committee (ISG) to work on a monitoring framework on the basis of a proposal from the Commission. The present monitoring framework is the results of this work, undertaken throughout the year 2020.

Catalog N. : KE-02-20-931-EN-N

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