Sysselsättning, socialpolitik och inkludering

Labour market policy - Expenditure and participants - Data 2014

Labour market policy - Expenditure and participants - Data 2014

Labour market policies are financial and practical policies that can help people in disadvantaged groups in the labour market move from inactivity and unemployment into employment or find better fitting jobs. They are varied and include job searching mechanisms, activation interventions and income supports (unemployment benefits). A set of these policies are grouped together as "measures" or activation policies and include training, employment incentives, supported employment and rehabilitation, direct job creation, start-up incentives. The publication provides data on expenditure and participants in the different types of LMP intervention in 29 countries (EU Member States plus Norway) as well as related indicators that are used for monitoring the Employment Guidelines.

Catalog N. : KE-DO-16-003-EN-N

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