Sysselsättning, socialpolitik och inkludering

Feasibility study for the creation of an EU level network of national associations representing VET-vocational education and training providers

Feasibility study for the creation of an EU level network of national associations representing VET-vocational education and training providers

This study looks at possible means to strengthen cooperation at EU level with national associations representing vocational education and training (VET) providers. In particular, it reviews the feasibility of creating a European level network of national associations. The study gathered stakeholders’ perceptions about current arrangements and on establishing a European network. It also presents an illustrative overview of existing organizations at country level (annex). Based on this input, the report compares different options and makes recommendations for actions at EU and national level.

Annex: list of national associations identified

Catalog N. : KE-01-16-012-EN-N

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