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Quarterly Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) - January 2023

Quarterly Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) - January 2023

In 2022, the European Commission presented the European Care Strategy to ensure quality, affordable and accessible care services in the EU. Participation in early childhood education and care is one of the key enablers for children development, equality of opportunity and active participation in society later in life. In this context. the thematic section of this review focuses on affordability of childcare. It explores the out-of-pocket childcare costs over time for different households across Member States using the OECD Tax Benefit model and the latest Net Childcare Costs report, recently published with the support of the European Commission. By investigating the dynamics of net childcare costs, early childhood education and care participation and employment rates, the analysis sheds light on the monetary trade-offs and incentives for women, in particular in low- and medium-income families, to use childcare services and take up a job.

Download data and charts:

Statistical annex

Recurrent analysis - latest update (Excel)

Catalog N. : KE-BH-23-001-EN-N

Elérhető itt:  EU Publications

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