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PES Network Stakeholder Conference 2022 Synthesis Paper

PES Network Stakeholder Conference 2022 Synthesis Paper

The conference converged around three main strategic priorities to address skill shortages and mismatches:

(1) enhancing the attractiveness of certain regions, sectors and occupations;

(2) assisting people from groups suffering labour market discrimination;

(3) enhancing the effectiveness of labour market interventions.

Conference participants consistently raised digitalisation as a major challenge and opportunity within the labour market. Different strategies emerged such as customised training and upskilling courses, active participation of employers, personal and individual support programmes, innovative and non-traditional arrangements. Lifelong guidance was highlighted as increasingly important, whereby workers need ongoing coaching and guidance. The conference showed how PES are making increasing use of stakeholder partnerships as part of a delivery ecosystem to address labour and skills shortages. Partnerships can bring specialist knowledge to help meet shortages and access untapped potential.

Catalog N. : KE-07-22-700-EN-N

Elérhető itt:  EU Publications

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