Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration

Up- and re- skilling – Guidance pack for intermediary bodies and  social partners

Up- and re- skilling – Guidance pack for intermediary bodies and social partners

Up- and re-skilling are necessary to face changes in the labour market, led by important transformations such as digitalisation, ageing population and climate change. In addition, the recent COVID-19 crisis has reinforced some of the existing trends transforming the labour market, like digitalisation, and made the need for continuous up- and re-skilling even more evident. This guidance pack draws on the results of the study and presents information, recommendations and additional resources for intermediary organisations such as chambers of commerce or education and training providers, and social partners to support micro and small companies in up- and re-skilling.

Read the related publications:

Up- and re- skilling - Final Study

Up- and re- skilling - What you need to know

Up- and re- skilling - Good examples of policies

Up- and re- skilling - Good practices

Up- and re- skilling - Guidance pack for companies


Kataloge N. : KE-02-20-460-EN-N

Erhältlich im  EU Publications

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