Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration

Measuring Public Administration: A Feasibility study for better comparative indicators in the EU

Measuring Public Administration: A Feasibility study for better comparative indicators in the EU

This paper is prepared in the framework of the project “Support for developing better country knowledge on public administration and institutional capacity building” - EUPACK. The project aims to ensure consistent and coherent knowledge on the characteristics of public administrations across all EU Member States; to deepen the understanding of public administration functioning based on common approach and methodology, and capture of reform initiatives and dynamics; to understand the role of external (EU funded) support to administrative reform process. This paper gives:

- an assessment of previous and current on the measurement of Public Administration

- an agenda for future measurement efforts

See other reports from the project

Kataloge N. : KE-02-18-989-EN-N

Erhältlich im  EU Publications

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