Foglalkoztatás, szociális ügyek és társadalmi befogadás

A megerősített ifjúsági garancia - Kisfilmek a témáról

Időtartam :02:31 / Dátum: Oct 2016

The Voucher system was launched in August 2014, with support from the EU’s Youth Employment Initiative. Voucher schemes combine training with on-the-job experience and provide young people with skills relevant to employers' needs. The scheme reduces the duration of school-to-work transition (which has historically been very lengthy in Greece) by allowing young people to acquire a first work experience, lack of which is a major barrier to their labour market entry. The YEI has supported 39,000 young people in Greece. This documentary filmed in Athens, illustrates how the programme works in practice.

A kisfilmet az Európai Bizottság „Audiovizuális szolgáltatások” webhelyén lehet letölteni.

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