
Projects Database

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Terceiros Church: revitalising religious heritage in Braga, Portugal

The Terceiros Church in Braga, Portugal, has been restored to its former glory. Restoration of this officially declared monument of public interest has boosted religious tourism and revitalised its value as an important historic, cultural and touristic heritage for the city and the Norte region.

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Boosting employment among disabled people in Brussels

Implemented by FEBRAP (Brussels Federation of Adapted Work Companies), the Dev’Up Team’s mission is to help adapted enterprises in Brussels identify and develop new activities that will enable them to pursue their social objective.

  fr | nl
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Poland’s national energy advice service benefits residents and businesses

Poland has established a nationwide energy efficiency and renewable energy advice system for the public, housing and business sectors. The Energy Advice project provides free training for prospective advisors on energy issues. Once qualified, the advisors support actions in their area to limit energy use, reduce emissions and switch to renewable energy. They raise awareness among local residents of the causes and effects of air pollution.

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Using urban agriculture to promote social inclusion in the Danube region

The AgriGo4Cities project uses urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) to change governance models and strengthen public institutional capacities in cities in the Danube region, with a view to tackling socioeconomic exclusion and stimulate sustainable urban development. To this end, it is developing a participatory planning methodology, which it plans to integrate into public decision-making processes.

  bg | cs | de | hu | ro | sk | sl
Projects |
Saving forgotten forest fruit trees in Hungary and Croatia

Two secondary schools in the Pannonia lowland border area of Hungary and Croatia joined forces with local foresters to save and revive a number of fruit tree species native to the region. The ‘Forgotten Forest Fruit Trees’ project helped modernise the process of breeding, planting and cultivating a variety of trees including rare apple and pears, checker trees, sorbs and sweet cherries. As part of the project’s activities, a joint forestry curriculum has been introduced to the Technical School of Virovitica in Croatia and Dráva Völgye school in Barcs, Hungary.

  hr | hu
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Auto2020 – Finland trains students for world of zero-emission transport

The Auto2020 project is equipping students in Finland with the skills to meet the needs of the rapidly changing automotive industry. A learning and innovation centre was set up at the Educational Consortium OSAO, a vocational college, to provide training in the maintenance and repair of low- and emission-free vehicles. At the same time, the project has had other benefits, including a better quality of teaching and encouraging more women to work in the automotive industry.
