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Poland’s national energy advice service benefits residents and businesses

  • 11 October 2022

Poland has established a nationwide energy efficiency and renewable energy advice system for the public, housing and business sectors. The Energy Advice project provides free training for prospective advisors on energy issues. Once qualified, the advisors support actions in their area to limit energy use, reduce emissions and switch to renewable energy. They raise awareness among local residents of the causes and effects of air pollution.

“The Energy Advice project primarily has an informational and educational purpose. As a team of energy advisors, we offer consultations and advice both at the customer service centre and by telephone.”

Joanna Ciuba, Energy Advice team coordinator, Toruń

Participants are signed up for training by the head of their local authority. They include current and prospective local government employees dealing with energy matters, or those who will start work on such matters. Energy advisors have trained more than 2 300 local advisors during 95 sessions covering over 1 500 municipalities.

Training for local advisors is divided into three sections: legal conditions, technical knowledge, and financing and execution of projects. Over 6 days, participants spend 14 hours on each section.

In addition to providing advice and consultancy services on over 240 000 occasions, the advisors have organised nearly 3 000 educational and information activities for local government employees, social welfare institutions and individuals. They have shared knowledge on financing for energy actions during 150 conferences and 1 000 fairs and other events, and promoted energy efficiency in schools.

Helping with finance

The advisors have in-depth knowledge of programmes supporting energy projects in all Polish regions. Institutions looking to obtain financing can consult them directly. Among the other subjects on which they can request consultations are innovative and cost-effective ways of increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Beneficiaries include entrepreneurs, businesses of all sizes, housing and tenants’ associations and community and religious groups. Public authorities and bodies such as statistical offices, courts, fire services and educational institutions can likewise access the services. More than 4 400 investments have been supported.

Audits and plans

Energy audits are needed to obtain public funds for projects involving thermal upgrades to buildings, modernisation of heating and lighting, and work to cut energy consumption. The audits define the scope and technical and economic parameters of a project and indicate optimal solutions. Energy advisors check that audit documentation complies with legal requirements.

Low-emission economy plans outline a municipality’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and how the municipality proposes to achieve them. Elaboration of such plans is a condition for receiving financing from many EU and national programmes. Advisors have helped municipalities with the preparation or updating of around 2 500 plans and with implementation and monitoring.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Nationwide advisory support system for the public sector, housing and enterprises in the field of energy efficiency and RES” is EUR 26 435 426 with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 26 435 426 through the “Infrastructure and Environment” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Low-carbon economy”.