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Monitoring and evaluation practices: UIA lessons learnt

Monitoring and evaluation of results is a challenging task: how to identify and adapt the key concepts of monitoring approaches within a local project, while taking into account the regional, national or global agendas? UIA projects deploy a set of innovative approaches to assess and capture the impact of innovative interventions. Find out more here!

Striving towards a greener Europe: Article 2 of our series is out!

The second article of our series of articles dedicated to the Urban Agenda Partnerships is out! Organised under the green dimension of the New Leipzig Charter, the articles look at what are the climate adaptation strategies and energy transitions solutions available for EU urban practitioners.

Survey on Action 4

Please contribute to our Security in Public Spaces Partnership by taking 10-15minutes to complete their survey on Action 4: Development of a capacity building training scheme about integrated sustainable urban security.

A new EU webpage on the localisation of SDGs

The Urban Data Platform + is hosting a new page dedicated to the localisation of SDGs, where you can also access the EU Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews and learn about on-going activities regarding European Commission support to the implementation of SDGs at the local level. Have a look!

Urban Case Study #7

Enabling a circular economy transition in cities requires a much stronger focus on the role of waste prevention, repair, reuse, and recycling, as opposed to current models of disposal. In this Urban Case Study, we look at an Urban Resource Centre in Flanders showcased by our Circular Economy Partnership. Take a look!

Action 3 deliverable of the Climate Adaptation Partnership

The Partnership has been working to improve legislation, financing, and knowledge offered by the EU in the field of adaptation to climate change. Action 3 delivers recommendations to the ERDF Operational Programmes to improve the accessibility of municipalities to these funds. Read the report here!

Launch of Article series on the Actions of the Urban Agenda Partnerships!

This year we are developing a series of capitalisation articles based on the 14 Partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU and urban initiatives of Cohesion Policy, structured around the three city dimensions of the New Leipzig Charter. It links Actions from the Digital Transition and Jobs and Skills Partnerships, and explores the impact of the pandemic on Jobs & Skills in Europe.

JPI Urban Europe Call for Proposals

The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) invites researchers, cities, municipalities, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation and research projects that enable and support capacity building for urban transformations. Application deadline for pre-proposals: 15 April 2021.

URBACT Time to Share! Campaign

Time to Share is an opportunity for 23 URBACT networks and more than 160 city partners to share their key results and findings of the transfer practice, in a series of events culminating in the flagship URBACT City Festival on 15, 16 and 17 June 2021. Registrations open in April. More details here!

City-wide Public Space Assessment Tool Toolkit

The Global Public Space Programme of UN-Habitat have developed a toolkit to guide cities when conducting a city-wide public space assessment, which can help cities understand the state of the quantity and quality of public spaces, specifically the network, distribution and accessibility.