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Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Action 2 - Analysis on EU integration indicators at infra-national level

The Partnership on Inclusion for Migrants and Refugees has been implementing a variety of Actions, one of which focuses on facilitating evidence-based integration policies in cities. As part of this Action, an external expert recently conducted an analysis that explored the effect of national immigration and integration policies on infra-national immigration.

Urban Case Study/Focus on Action #8

The 8th post in this series focuses on Action 1 of the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees, looking at what Member States and EU institutions can do to support cities in protecting the rights of children in migration. Follow the link to read more!

Fit for the future! 19 June

Pioneering in partnerships for urban challenges is what the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Dutch Urban Agenda celebrate this year. What lessons are learned? What triggers partners to participate and contribute? How do you celebrate success?

13th meeting of the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in Paris

The 13th meeting of the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Partnership took place at the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) in Paris on 14 February. Several stakeholders presented the integration policies of the city of Paris, a study on ‘When Mayors make Migration Policy’ by the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, the SHARE project by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC Europe). Partnership members discussed the deliverables and roadmap for 2019 and the meeting concluded with a discussion on the next steps and meetings.

Much achieved, more ahead: this was the Inclusion Partnership’s Conference on 4 December 2018 in Brussels

The Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees invited to a special event in December 2018 in Brussels. Together with the Committee of the Regions, the Partnership organised a conference to discuss the main achievements of around three years of joint work. More importantly, the event provided an opportunity to look ahead and discuss the implementation pathways for the Partnership’s proposed Actions.

Ask the People consultation report by the European Migrant Advisory Board

The European Migrant Advisory Board (EMAB) is a self-led group of advisors with refugee and immigrant backgrounds. In December 2018, the EMAB carried out a consultation "with migrants and refugees by migrants and refugees". The report summarised the outcomes of the consultation, as well as focus group results.

The Migration Conference 2017, Athens

The Migration Conference 2017 will be hosted by Harokopio University Athens. This forum encourages scholars, experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers to exchange knowledge, share research and debate the issues that challenge existing modes and models of migration, discourses to understand human mobility, ponder about better policies and practices.