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Circular Economy

Final report of the Circular Economy Partnership

The Urban Agenda for the EU's Partnership on Circular Economy worked on 12 Actions helping cities have an important impact in reaching the Circular Economy goals of member states and the European Commission. Read the Partnership's final report here!

Action 8 - Concept note for a Circular Resource Management Roadmap

The Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy developed a conceptual framework for a Circular Resource Management Roadmap. The framework was developed under Action 8 and aims to support urban authorities in implementing a circular resource management plan as part of the transition from waste management to resource management.

Urban Case Study #7

Enabling a circular economy transition in cities requires a much stronger focus on the role of waste prevention, repair, reuse, and recycling, as opposed to current models of disposal. In this Urban Case Study, we look at an Urban Resource Centre in Flanders showcased by our Circular Economy Partnership. Take a look!

Roadmap for Circular Resource Efficiency in cities

The Roadmap for a Circular Resource Efficiency Management plan offers cities and urban areas a structured, step-by-step approach to develop a substantiated plan of action that improves resource efficiency and drives the transition to a circular economy.

#1 Urban case study: Temporary use of buildings - Riga

Since the 1990's, the city of Riga has lost about a quarter of its population, which has had a significant impact on land use in the city. Follow the link to read more on this case and on the topic of sustainable and circular use of spaces and buildings in a Handbook developed as a result of direct collaboration by our Circular Economy and Sustainable Land Use Partnerships! (now in EN and IT!)

Toolkit for establishing "Pay-as-you-throw" schemes in cities

Our Circular Economy Partnership has developed a toolkit to help cities implement PAYT schemes, which have been identified as the most effective option for waste reduction, source separation and an essential first step to recycling. Download the toolkit for free!

Municipal waste management and COVID-19

The current pandemic raises questions regarding municipal waste management practices and procedures. To reply to requests from its members, ACR+ is collecting data on the different systems and solutions implemented across Europe to manage municipal waste in the current situation.

Greener Cities, Greener Europe

This publication explores the contribution of the Urban Agenda for the EU to Europe’s sustainable transition by looking at its ‘green’ Partnerships.

Smaller Cities' Access to External Finance

Despite low interest rates and viability of investments, external finance only holds a small percentage of cities’ overall investment finance across the EU. What hinders smaller municipalities to access commercial bank loans, funds and other types of external financing?

World Resources Forum - Call for abstracts

WRF 2019 will host a series of ‘deep-dive’ workshops as part of the conference program and invites interested organisations to design and submit a workshop proposal now. Under the Title 'Closing Loops - Transitions at work', WRF 2019 wants to show systemic drivers, as well as concrete solutions to make the transition to circular economy work in practice.

EU Green Week

The Green Week 2018 will officially open on 21/5 in Utrecht (The Netherlands) and will close on 25/5 in Madrid (Spain). The high level EU Green Cities Summit will take place in Brussels, 22-24/5. The Partnership on Circular Economy has been invited to organize a session on “Cities needs in transition to a Circular Economy”. Many other events will be related to urban challenges and projects.

The Brick-beach project

The Urban Innovative Actions Secretariat conducted a series of interviews with the projects selected under the topic "Circular economy", with a special focus on soil management. What is the most innovative elements of their project? What are the main changes they are expecting? What are the main challenges they are confronted with? Hear the feedbacks from BRICK-BEACH project from velez-Malaga, who explains how they intend to regenerate 800 meters of beach with an innovative environment-friendly process.