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Air quality

Greener Cities, Greener Europe

This publication explores the contribution of the Urban Agenda for the EU to Europe’s sustainable transition by looking at its ‘green’ Partnerships.

The Training Course on Air Quality and Health is online!

The Partnership on Air Quality has released its training course on Air Quality and Health - Methods, Tools and Practices for Better Air Quality Action Planning. It proposes a training concept based on the production of a simplified, tailored, user-friendly scenario for The Healthy City.

Showcase your efforts in the Air Quality Code of Good Practices!

The Urban Partnership on Air Quality main objective is to improve air quality in cities and bring the ‘healthy city’ higher on the local, national and EU agendas as part of the Urban Agenda. ​As part of their work, the Partnership is developing a Code of Good Practices that aims to provide guidance and inspiration to cities drafting and implementing air quality plans.

Call for examples on air quality measures

The Urban Partnership for Air Quality has just launched a call for examples of successful (best practices) and unsuccessful air quality measures. The call is open to all interested national, regional and city authorities from the European Union. The general objective of the call is to support the implementation of the Ambient Air Quality Directive by providing knowledge of Air Quality measures.

Survey for local authorities on communicating on air quality

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) warmly invites you as a city representative to answer the below questions on communicating to the public on air quality. This survey is part of activities under the EU’s urban air quality partnership, which brings together urban areas, EU member states, the European Commission and stakeholders to improve air quality in cities and to bring the “healthy city” higher on the local, national and EU agendas as part of the Urban agenda.

Join the Public Feedback on Air Quality!

Don't lose the chance to contribute to shaping the draft action plan of the Urban Agenda Partnership for Air Quality! The Public Feedback is still online for a few days and will close this Friday 13 of October 2017.