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Urban Mobility

Urban Case Study/Focus on Action #9

The 9th post in our series is out, focusing on promoting sustainable and active mobility behaviour through the MoMa.BIZ project, aiming to reduce car use in targeted cities by promoting promoting sustainable mobility. Read more here!

Innovation in Urban Mobility in the 2020s

The UIA Urban Mobility journey began February 2020 together with UIA mobility cities exploring the innovation concepts applied to urban mobility challenges and seeking to understand how to address mobility issues related to urbanisation and urban resilience challenges. Gain insights on innovative experiences and practices in this final report.

European Mobility Week

The EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK campaign will run from 16-22 September, and provides the perfect opportunity to present sustainable mobility alternatives to local residents and to explain the challenges that cities and towns are facing.

Urban Mobility Days 2020

From 29 September - 2 October this inline conference will allow policymakers, local authorities, academics, NGOs, urban transport practitioners, urban planners and all those putting the SUMP concept into practice to share their experiences using a virtual forum.

Results of first UIA capitalisation workshop on urban mobility

This UIA article presents the first results and findings of the capitalisation workshop organised in the frame of one-year knowledge activities on urban mobility issues, and focuses on how UIA projects deal with data as a resource to support sustainable mobility strategies.

New data story on clean urban mobility

The development of sustainable multi-modal mobility is one of the key challenges for European cities and functional urban areas both to mitigate the climate impact of transport and to contribute to quality of life. Use this tool to xplore the data on EU financing of clean urban mobility!

Greener Cities, Greener Europe

This publication explores the contribution of the Urban Agenda for the EU to Europe’s sustainable transition by looking at its ‘green’ Partnerships.