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The partnerships of Housing and Circular Economy launched today a Public Feedback on their Draft Action Plan

date:  24/07/2018

The Public Feedback is an informal consultation that lasts for six weeks. It includes a Draft Action Plan (or a Consultation paper) that present a series of actions. These actions propose concrete solutions to tackle issues and bottlenecks identified by the members of a Partnership.

All stakeholders, individuals or organisations, are invited to take a quick survey to contribute and share their expertise and views to consolidate these proposed actions. The surveys can be answered anonymously. Results will enrich the final draft actions to be later approved by the Member States during the Directors-General on Urban Matters meeting (DGUM).

The Public Feedback on Housing, Circular Economy (Part II) and Jobs & Skills will remain open until the 4 September. The links are available below:

There are now three weeks ahead to contribute to the Public Feedback on Climate Adaptation (until 17 August, also available in Italian) and two weeks ahead to the Public Feedback on Public Procurement (5 August).

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The Communication Team