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Editorial - April 2021

date:  07/04/2021

Dear urban community,

This month we’re delighted to announce a very exciting project for us: the launch of a series of articles centred around the Actions of the 14 Partnerships of the Urban Agenda! Structured around the three city dimensions of the New Leipzig Charter (the Productive, the Green and the Just City), the articles link Partnerships’ Actions and activities with other relevant EU projects and initiatives supported by Cohesion Policy (including Urban Innovative Actions, URBACT or Article 7 cities benefitting from ERDF). Overall, the articles aim at showcasing practices and experiences on how different tools and funding support can help cities face their challenges in a strategic way towards sustainable urban development. The first article in this series looks specifically at Actions developed under the Digital Transition and Jobs and Skills Partnerships and is centred on the productive dimension of the New Leipzig Charter. Over the next few months, we’ll continue publishing these articles, so stay tuned to our newsletter and social media channels!

As well as the launch of the article series, we are bringing you updates from our Partnerships and relevant news, events, calls, and resources. We're always thrilled to connect with you so please do get in touch - you can drop us a line at, or check us out on LinkedIn and Twitter!

All the best,

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team

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