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Union for the Mediterranean Urban Agenda

The UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 establishes a common vision to tackling urban challenges in the region. It is the result of a 3-year collaboration between the European Commission and all 42 UfM Member States, aiming to improve the quality of life for all citizens by building better, more inclusive, climate-resilient communities. Read more here.

5 EU missions launched by the European Commission to tackle major challenges - among them the mission on climate-neutral and smart cities

The Commission launched five new missions under Horizon Europe which represent a new and innovative way to work together and improve the lives of people in Europe and beyond. They will support research and innovation to deliver on the Commission priorities and find responses to some of the greatest challenges we are facing today such as living in greener cities and adapting to climate change across regions and cities. The mission on climate-neutral and smart cities is aimed to deliver 100+ climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 and inspire all other cities to follow suit by 2050. The Call for Expression of Interest for cities interested to join this mission is foreseen to be published in November 2021.

Urban Case Study/Focus on Action #9

The 9th post in our series is out, focusing on promoting sustainable and active mobility behaviour through the MoMa.BIZ project, aiming to reduce car use in targeted cities by promoting promoting sustainable mobility. Read more here!

The Security in Public Spaces Partnership have 2 new deliverables on Action 5!

The Partnership have now published two new deliverables under their Action 5, which looks at measuring the impact of social cohesion and inclusion on security in public spaces of urban and peri-urban areas. The deliverables include a report on the Collective Impact Model which aims to provide innovative solutions for complex and persistent urban security challenges, and a Manual Prevention Pyramid which maps existing local policy regarding the reduction of feelings of insecurity.

Action Deliverable - Manual Prevention Pyramid

In the framework of its Action 5, the Security in Public Spaces Partnership is supporting the idea that social cohesion measures should be part of an integrated urban security policy. They developed a manual as the first outcome of Action 5, which you can read here, and which aims to map existing local policy regarding the reduction of feelings of insecurity.

Urban Case Study/Focus on Action #8

The 8th post in this series focuses on Action 1 of the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees, looking at what Member States and EU institutions can do to support cities in protecting the rights of children in migration. Follow the link to read more!

Action 8 - Concept note for a Circular Resource Management Roadmap

The Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy developed a conceptual framework for a Circular Resource Management Roadmap. The framework was developed under Action 8 and aims to support urban authorities in implementing a circular resource management plan as part of the transition from waste management to resource management.