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Editorial - June 2021

Dear readers,

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Urban Agenda

date:  21/06/2021

It's been a busy month for the Urban Agenda Partnerships, who met (remotely) for the 2021 edition of the Coordinators’ and Action Leaders’ Meeting, along with key stakeholders from the European Commission and Council Presidency. Discussions were focused on the question of capitalisation of the immense work undertaken so far, as well as on the renewal process of the UAEU. We will be sharing the main outcomes with you very soon, but for now we're happy to provide you with the material used in the meeting!

Read on to see more from our Partnerships which have further updates and deliverables! As well as this, we're sharing with you all the relevant news, events and publications on our radar.

For those of you heading off for the summer soon, we wish you happy holidays! We'll be sticking around and are always happy to hear from you at, or connecting on LinkedIn and Twitter!

All the best,

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team