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Press releases/news articles

Report on the capacity of EU fleet

Last week the Commission published its annual report on the capacity of the EU fleet. The report contains an overview of fleet reports and action plans prepared by the individual Member States on the basis of Commission's guidelines.

New Skills Agenda: a blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills

The New Skills Agenda adopted today aims to reduce the mismatch between the skills people are taught and the skills needed by the service sector and manufacturing industry. It is designed to improve the quality and relevance of skills to meet the need of a rapidly changing labour market and increase the understanding of skills and qualifications in the European labour market.

40th Annual Session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean: the start of "a new era in fish stock recovery"

The 40th annual session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) drew to a successful close on 3 June. Decisions made in Malta are in line with the European Commission's strategy to improve the state of the Mediterranean fish stocks and the economic prospects of the fishing industry. Commissioner Karmenu Vella expressed his deep satisfaction with the outcome, which "ushers in a new era of action to help fish stocks recover and fishing communities thrive."

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission – Moving forward

From 23rd to 27th May 2016, the 20th Annual Meeting of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) was hosted by the European Union in La Réunion, France. Overall, the EU welcomes the outcome of the meeting, in particular the adoption of several EU proposals, such as a pilot project for a Regional Observer Scheme, the implementation of electronic Port State measures, an incentive scheme for better catch data reporting ('no-data no-fish' principle).

UNFSA Review Conference – A step forward towards the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources

The Resumed Review Conference on the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (UNFSA) finished last Friday after one week of intensive negotiations at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 23rd to 27th May.

European Maritime Day - taking Blue Growth to the next level

Blue growth is here to stay, concluded the 1200 marine and maritime economy stakeholders who gathered in Turku, Finland, last week to celebrate the 9th edition of the European Maritime Days. “A sustainable marine economy is not a dream, it is a reality”, said Commissioner Karmenu Vella in the Opening Session of the conference. “Across Europe – he went on - people are working hard on innovation and pushing boundaries”. European Commission Vice-President Katainen listed a number of blue economy projects already selected for EFSI support, stressing the importance of new investments for all maritime innovations.