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Marine knowledge 2020

EMODnet conference: drawing the map of Europe's seas

Knowledge of our seas and oceans is essential for developing the blue economy and improving marine management. Gaining this knowledge requires putting together data collected by hundreds of bodies - research institutes, geological surveys, hydrographic offices, environmental agencies - into a coherent picture. EMODnet, the European Marine Observation and Data Network is working for this task.

Our Ocean conference: Commissioner Vella sets out EU measures to preserve the world's oceans

Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, today announced a set of actions that will include a major political initiative on international ocean governance next year. Based on a wide public consultation and listening tour, this initiative reaffirms the European Commission's commitment to better international ocean governance and will strengthen the EU’s external action in this regard.

Fish: a treasure from the sea to be protected

A new video that illustrates the key role of science in contributing to the so called 'Blue Growth', the maritime contribution to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Revealing Europe's hidden landscape

The Commission is advancing in achieving its marine knowledge objectives with the release of a new digital map of Europe's seabed topography with a higher resolution than had previously been publicly available; about 230 metres compared to 1 kilometre before the launch of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet).

Call for tenders MARE/2014/10 - Coastal mapping

Whilst considerable progress has been made in mapping the topography of Europe's offshore waters and making the data available through digital terrain models, it is intrinsically more expensive to measure the depth of water in shallow coastal waters because of instrument characteristics and because there is a need to join up with land surveys.

Blue Economy Innovation: examples of EU marine research

The European Commission today set out proposals to support "Innovation in the Blue Economy" (see IP/14/536) by creating an information platform on marine research in the European Union, sharing already available data and completing a detailed sea-bed map of European waters by 2020, among other measures.

Integrated Maritime Policy: further progress towards sustainable maritime development

The European Commission has adopted the second Progress report on the EU's 2007 Integrated Maritime Policy. By facilitating the cooperation of all maritime players across sectors and borders, and by avoiding duplication of spending and efforts, the Integrated Maritime Policy has enhanced the sustainable development of the European maritime economy, while contributing to a better protection of the marine environment.

On seabed mapping

Speech by Commissioner Damanaki at the International Hydrographic Conference in Monaco