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Common market organisation (CMO)

The EU Fish Market 2019 edition is out: everything you wanted to know about the EU market for fish and seafood

If you want to know what fishery products are exported or imported, when and where, what is consumed and by whom, what are the main trends of the European fisheries and aquaculture sector, then have a look at the newly released EU Fish market annual report. The 2019 edition provides analyses of landings, import and export origins and destinations, along with an overview of how EU Member States’ fisheries and aquaculture sectors fit into the global picture.

Traceability of fisheries products: know what you buy!

On October 10th, in Brussels, a workshop on traceability of fisheries and aquaculture products brings together representatives of the European Commission, the Secretariat of the Council, the European Parliament, the EU Member States and representatives of the Advisory Councils.

Europeans love (local) seafood, EU consumer insights study confirms

The Eurobarometer survey on EU consumer choices regarding fishery and aquaculture products is clear: Europeans love fish and other seafood. More than four out of ten Europeans eat seafood at least once a week at home. Price and availability are the main barriers to increase consumption. Regional, national and EU products enjoy a very strong consumer preference. The study also explains how EU policy helps building trust with consumers, mainly by reliable and useful consumer information.