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European Commission presents EMFF state of play at the European Parliament

How do EU Member States plan to use the money they are set to receive under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)? What is the current state of play? This was the topic of an exchange of views at the European Parliament's Fisheries Committee today.

date:  15/06/2016

European Commission Director-General for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, João Aguiar Machado, presented an overview of Member States' operational programmes under the EMFF.

Taken together, the programmes indicate that Member States intend to support all financing priorities of the EMFF, for example sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, control and enforcement, and better data collection. A large part is also devoted to the social dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy, for instance helping fishermen in the transition to sustainable fishing and supporting coastal communities in diversifying their economies.

In contrast, the number of planned innovation projects is still rather limited.

While all national programmes were adopted before the end of 2015, many Member States still have not shown they meet all conditions to start receiving EU funds. As a result, they risk losing out on funding opportunities. Mr Aguiar Machado therefore strongly encouraged Member States to avoid further delay and rapidly implement the respective action plans agreed with the Commission.

The EMFF is the fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020. It is one of the five European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds which seek to promote growth and jobs in Europe.

More information:

The European Maritime And Fisheries Fund 2014-2020

EMFF - country files, Operational Programmes 2014 - 2020