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Press releases/news articles

Progress made on EU – Morocco Fisheries Partnership

On 18-20 October the 3rd Joint Committee under the 2014 – 2018 EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement Protocol met in Rabat. The Parties assessed the second year of implementation of the protocol: both the fishing activity carried out by the EU fleet and the implementation of the EU support to the Moroccan fisheries sector were reviewed.

New discard plans adopted for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

The Commission has adopted today two Delegated Regulations establishing discard plans for certain demersal fisheries in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea. Discarding is the practice of returning unwanted catches to the sea, either dead or alive, either because they are too small, the fisherman has no quota, or because of certain catch composition rules.

POLLUTION AT SEA: Give us your opinion

Is the system regulating waste disposal for ships working fine or should it be updated? Is it ok for fishing vessels and small recreational boats to be exempt from certain rules on waste disposal in port?

Commission and Baltic cruise industry launch Baltic Cruise Dialogue in Copenhagen

Encouraged by the European Commission's strategy for growth and jobs in coastal and maritime tourism, the stakeholders representing cruise lines, ports and destinations of the Baltic are engaging to shape the future for cruise tourism in the Baltic sea basin. They are meeting today in the first Regional Dialogue for sustainable jobs and growth in the Baltic Sea basin.

Commissioner Vella speaks at African Union maritime security summit

Africa's seas and oceans can offer real prospects for youth employment, training, and sustainable livelihoods. But the sustainable development of Africa's "blue" ocean economy will depend on eradicating criminality at sea, ranging from piracy and illegal fishing to environmental violations. This was the message shared by Commissioner Karmenu Vella, representing the European Union at the African Union Maritime Security Summit in Lomé, Togo, last week.

Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna takes good steps forward

The 23rd annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) met from 10 to 13 October 2016 in Kachsiung, Chinese Taipeh. The EU is pleased by the progress made and welcomes science-based decisions on the permitted catch levels for southern bluefin tuna for 2017 and for 2018-2020, as well as the strengthening of the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and the ban on large-scale driftnets. The EU regrets that seabird mitigation measures were not adopted due to a lack of sufficient support.

Baltic Sea: sustainable fishing quotas set for 2017

The EU fisheries ministers have agreed on next year's fishing limits (TACs) for ten fish stocks of the Baltic Sea. These TACs were the first to be set in accordance with the long-term management plan for the Baltic basin that had recently been adopted by the Council and the European Parliament.

Commissioner Vella to push for sustainable Baltic, Mediterranean fisheries at AGRIFISH Council next week

Fisheries ministers will meet during the AGRIFISH Council in Luxembourg on 10-11 October to discuss the Baltic fishing opportunities for 2017. Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, will present the Commission's proposal tabled on 29 August, and urge ministers to set fishing opportunities at sustainable levels. Decisive action is needed, in particular for western cod, which is experiencing a perilous decline. The Commission's proposals are based on the scientific advice received and are in line with the EU's Common Fisheries Policy and the recently adopted Baltic multiannual fisheries management plan.

European Maritime Day 2017 - Stakeholder Info Day in Brussels, 25 October 2016

European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual meeting point for Europe’s maritime community to network, discuss and plan joint action. The EMD 2017 conference and exhibition will be held on 18-19 May 2017 in Poole, UK. In preparation for EMD, an INFO DAY meeting for Maritime Stakeholders will take place in Brussels, on 25 October 2016, at 14:00.

Pilot project paves way for enhanced coastguard cooperation

The provisions of the European Border and Coast Guard package, adopted on 14 September, enter into force today. At the same time cooperation on coastguard functions between the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), the European Maritime Security Agency (EMSA) and the European Border and Coastguard Agency (FRONTEX) is already progressing well, thanks to a pilot project launched earlier this year.

EU celebrates World Tourism Day with new funding for coastal tourism

With global competition in tourism fiercer than ever, European coastal regions have to become creative to stay ahead of the game. As Europe joins in the celebrations on this year's World Tourism Day, the EU is therefore deepening its commitment to developing tourism in our coastal and maritime regions.

Commission to bolster measures for Baltic cod

The European Commission's yearly proposal for the 2017 fishing opportunities has now been supplemented with figures for the Baltic Sea cod stocks, an item that did not feature in previous versions of this year's Commission's proposals.

3rd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference: Commissioner Vella hands over awards for best Atlantic projects

Commissioner Karmenu Vella participated in the 3rd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference in Dublin, following the successful editions in Porto and Brest last year. The Commissioner reaffirmed his commitment to strengthen cooperation in the Atlantic. He expressed his appreciation for the progress made by the maritime stakeholders in the region. He also chaired the first edition of the "Atlantic project awards", rewarding the five most innovative and successful projects.