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Press releases/news articles

Commissioner Vella promises EU support for the Arctic and its people at Tromsø conference

Commissioner Vella is travelling to Tromsø, Norway, to attend the Arctic Frontiers conference, one of the biggest Arctic gatherings of the year. The Commissioner's attendance is preparation for a midsummer arctic showcase of EU commitment to the region. That event will take place on 15-16 June in Finland and is designed to promote action to protect and support sustainable development in the region and the 4 million who live there.

New report confirms positive economic trends in EU fishing fleet

The economic performance of the EU fleet improved significantly again in 2014, according to the latest Annual Economic Report. Between 2008 and 2014, the EU fleet moved from a loss-making position in 2008 to registering record-high net profits of €770 million in 2014 – up from €500 million in 2013. Forecasts for 2016 remain positive.

Eurostat publication - How is the EU doing in terms of agriculture, forestry and fisheries? - Latest facts and figures in these areas

Which Member States are the biggest producers of cereals, tomatoes or apples? How much cow’s milk is collected by dairies in the European Union (EU)? Which Member States produce the most cheese, butter or cream? And which produce the most meat from cattle, pigs or poultry? How many people work in the agricultural sector in each EU Member State? How have prices changed over recent years? How important are the forest resources in the EU? How many tonnes of fish were caught and how large is aquaculture production?

Ministers agree on fishing catch limits for 2017

EU ministers have reached an agreement on fishing opportunities for 2017 in the Atlantic, North Sea and Black Sea, following discussions at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 12 and 13 December. Karmenu Vella, the EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, presented the Commission's proposals, which were the basis for the negotiations.

Commission champions ocean sustainability at business summit

A sustainable future for the world's oceans will require the full backing of the business community. This was the main message shared by João Aguiar Machado, Director-General of the European Commission's department for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, at the Sustainable Ocean Summit in Rotterdam.

Commission brings #FARMEDintheEU aquaculture campaign to Spain

Spanish authorities, producer organisations and research institutes are organising open door visits and conferences across Spain today to celebrate the annual "Día de la Acuicultura". This year, the European Commission joined in the celebrations, supporting the "Di sí a la acuicultura sostenible" ("Say yes to sustainable aquaculture") competition launched by the Observatorio Español de Acuicultura from Fundación Biodiversidad (Mapama).

Call for experts in maritime and fisheries policy

The objective of this call for expressions of interest is to set up a list of external experts to support evaluation and monitoring activities of actions implemented by EASME under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) (2014-2020).

L'UE s'engage pour pérenniser le travail des pêcheurs d'espadon

Suite à la proposition de l'Union européenne, une série de mesures essentielles pour la conservation de l'espadon de Méditerranée ont été adoptées hier soir par la Commission internationale pour la conservation des thonidés de l’Atlantique (CICTA) au Portugal.