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Press releases/news articles

Press releases/news articles

Shaping a prosperous future for nautical tourism in Europe

The Commission published a Staff Working Document on Nautical Tourism. Nautical tourism includes activities in coastal and offshore marine waters, e.g. boating, yachting, boat-based angling and wildlife watching, kayaking as well as other harbour and marina-based activities.

Blue Growth – shaping the next five years together

In the 60-year-old history of European integration the Blue Growth policy is relatively young – it's been around for just 5 years. But even in its infancy it has produced several initiatives to drive the blue economy forward and make Europe's oceans, seas and coasts both healthy and productive.

Register to the high-level event A sustainable Arctic – innovative approaches

The European Commission, together with European External Action Service and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, will co-host the high-level event "A sustainable Arctic – innovative approaches", to take place in Oulu (Finland) on 15-16 June 2017 (starting on 15 June afternoon and finishing on 16 June afternoon).

EU and Member States agree to step up efforts to protect oceans

EU Ministers today welcomed the Communication on International Ocean Governance, adopted by the Commission and the High Representative in November 2016, calling it a “timely and relevant contribution to achieving […]better coordination and cooperation to ensure that oceans are safe, secure, conserved and sustainably used and managed."

Blue Growth in action

EMFF projects funded under the 2016 "Blue careers", "Blue labs" and "Blue technology" calls for proposals are kicking-off their activities.

Galileo Search and Rescue

The Galileo satellite navigation programme which was launched in December 2016 offers a new service which is aimed to help Search And Rescue (SAR) operations.

Let's celebrate the 10th European Maritime Day

The 10th European Maritime Day will be held in Poole, UK (18 & 19 May 2017). It will be followed by the Poole Maritime Festival (15-21 May 2017), dedicated to engaging the general public and celebrating Poole and Dorset's local maritime heritage and environment. If you will not be able to come to Poole, check the list with the 27 EMD events across the EU to spot an event near you to celebrate the 10th European Maritime Day.

Mapping priorities and actions for maritime/marine spatial planning worldwide: a joint roadmap

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO) and the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission (DG MARE) adopted on 24/03/2017 a "Joint Roadmap to accelerate Maritime/Marine Spatial Planning processes worldwide". The roadmap identifies common challenges and proposals for actions to be implemented in the coming years, reaching out for collaboration with other UN bodies and Member States.

Commissioner Vella visits Zadar, Croatia

Commissioner Vella is in Zadar, Croatia to participate in a conference on the Commission's proposal for a Multiannual Plan for small pelagics in the Adriatic, namely for anchovy and sardines.

The governance of maritime space at the heart of a conference organized by the European Commission and UNESCO

The European Commission and UNESCO are hosting an international conference from 15 to 17 March at UNESCO Headquarters on marine spatial planning, a process that consists in regulating human activities in the waters bordering coastal areas in order to preserve marine ecosystems, avoid conflicts between sectors of commercial and industrial activity, and promote international cooperation.