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Press releases/news articles

The EU leads the way in implementing the ecosystem approach in the Nortwest Atlantic

At the meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO), which took place in Montreal from 18 to 22 September 2017, the European Union was instrumental in advancing key conservation measures based on the best available scientific advice, aiming to ensure sustainability for the stocks and predictability for the industry's future.

Fisheries in Europe: where we are and where we are headed

On Tuesday 26 September 2017, in a Seminar on the Status of European Fish Stocks and the Economic situation of European fishing fleets, the European Commission will be hearing the views of senior experts in fisheries biology from the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, NGOs, the industry, national administrations and members of the public.

EMD 2018 Stakeholder INFO DAY

The next stop of the European Maritime Day cruise is on 31st of May and 1st of June 2018 in Burgas, on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast. To present next year's EMD headline themes and involve stakeholders in shaping this upcoming event, we are pleased to invite you to the EMD Info Day on 9 October 2017 at the Bulgarian Permanent Representation in Brussels, Square Marie-Louise 49. Participants will be able to join our interactive round table discussions and provide direct input and suggestions for the organisation of next year’s event.

Building a maritime strategy in the Black Sea

Developing the blue economy in the Black Sea was the theme of a high-level conference held on 15 September in Batumi (Georgia). Under the title "Connecting the region through marine and maritime cooperation", this 4th annual stakeholder event was co-organised by the European Commission, the Georgian Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Georgian Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection.

Call for tenders to establish a Blue Bioeconomy Forum

The new forum's role will be to identify measures to open up markets for emerging products, to explore further research needs, or to point to areas where seed funding is required. The forum will deliver a pipeline of medium to long term projects aiming to grow the EU's blue bioeconomy sector.

New vacancy at SIOFA | Data Manager

The Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement is looking for a Data Manager in Saint-Denis, La Réunion, France. The deadline for applications is Friday 22 September.

European Fisheries Fund enhanced the competitiveness of EU fleet and created 17,000 new jobs

A recent independent study of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) points to some success in supporting the fisheries sector during the past programming period (2007-2013). The evaluation also identifies areas for improvement, in particular in terms of impact and sustainability. Most of these shortcomings are already being addressed in the ongoing program, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (2014-2020).

Planification de l'espace maritime: la Commission demande à 5 États membres de communiquer leurs mesures nationales de transposition de la directive relative à la planification de l'espace maritime

La Commission a décidé aujourd'hui d'adresser des avis motivés à la Bulgarie, à la Croatie, à Chypre, à la Finlande et à la Grèce pour manquement à l'obligation de notifier la transposition complète dans leur législation nationale des dispositions de l'UE établissant un cadre pour la planification de l'espace maritime (directive 2014/89/UE).

World's aquariums stand up for Our Ocean

Monaco's iconic Oceanographic Museum will be the suitable stage, when on 27 July, the European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella launches the global campaign "World Aquariums Against Marine Litter" together with HSH Albert II, Prince of Monaco, and in the presence of the Executive Director of UN Environment Programme, Mr Erik Solheim, and the CEO of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Mr Doug Cress.