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Press releases/news articles

New EU plan to promote sustainable fisheries in western waters

Today the European Commission proposed a multi-annual plan for fish stocks in the western waters, concerning the fleet of Belgium, Germany, France, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and the UK in the Atlantic Ocean. The proposal aims at restoring and maintaining stocks at sustainable levels, while ensuring social and economic viability for the fishermen operating in the region.

L'Union européenne et la Côte d’Ivoire renouvellent leur l’accord de partenariat de pêche pour une durée de six ans

Les négociations qui se sont tenues du 13 au 16 mars 2018 à Abidjan ont permis d’améliorer le protocole conformément aux orientations politiques des deux Parties. Le nouveau protocole, d’une durée de six ans, donne accès aux eaux ivoiriennes à 36 navires de l’Union européenne, offrant ainsi au secteur de la pêche européen des opportunités à la fois rentables et durables. De plus, sa durée donne aux pêcheurs concernés la certitude de pouvoir exercer leur activité jusqu’en 2024.

EU Atlantic Action Plan: 6 billion euro of investments and counting

The EU's 2013-2020 Atlantic Action Plan has spurred over 1200 new maritime projects and nearly 6 billion euro of investments so far, according to an independent consultant tasked by the EU to take stock of the initiative at mid-term. Most of the projects target environmental protection and innovation, as well as improved connectivity and social inclusion.

Tackling overfishing – EU push for sustainability shows results

Good news for European fisheries: fishing businesses in the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea are making record profits, thanks to a solid recovery of popular fish stocks like North Sea cod, which were severely depleted just a few years ago. A sign that the EU Common Fisheries Policy’s focus on sustainable fishing is paying off – for fishermen and fish stocks alike.

Modern maritime technologies: do we have the skills?

Like everywhere else, world digitalization, high-tech equipment and low-carbon solutions are affecting the workplace of the maritime world. Preparing the workforce for such trends is crucial to ensure a competitive European maritime sector. But what will be the profiles needed for the jobs of tomorrow? How can we make sure that people are strongly qualified for the many attractive and high quality jobs European seas have to offer?

EU investments needed to unlock Arctic region's economic development

A new report by the Arctic Stakeholder Forum, an initiative set up by the EU gathering public authorities and civil society, calls to strengthen EU investments in the world's northernmost region. Most pressing needs identified are digital infrastructure such as broadband coverage, as well as better transport connections.