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Press releases/news articles

World Oceans Day: Statement by Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Today, on World Oceans Day, I want to join the global celebration of our oceans. I want to highlight their importance for our wellbeing and for the wellbeing of future generations: as an abundant supplier of food, energy and other natural resources; as a regulator for our climate and many of our natural cycles; and as source of inspiration, imagination and humility. On this day, I also want to recall the urgent need to address the immense challenges that our oceans are faced with: climate change, pollution, environmental degradation and unsustainable management of their resources.

Black Sea countries pledge to promote sustainable fisheries and aquaculture

Following months of discussions, the European Commission and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) have secured today a 10-year pledge to rebuild the Black Sea fish stocks, protect the region's ecological and economic wealth and boost the development of sustainable Black Sea aquaculture.

Questions and answers – revision of the EU fisheries control system

The European Commission is proposing improvements to modernise and simplify the way in which fishing rules are monitored and complied with in the EU. An effective control system is key to ensuring that the EU's fisheries are sustainably managed, which in turn guarantees the long-term viability of the EU fishing sector and protects the livelihoods of our fishermen.

New proposal will tackle marine litter and “ghost fishing”

The European Commission has tabled an important legal proposal to tackle marine litter. By introducing new measures on single use plastics as well as derelict fishing gear, the proposal will contribute to Europe’s transition towards a Circular Economy.

The EU's Maritime Spatial Planning goes global

160 experts from all over the world have gathered in Brussels on 24 and 25 May for the first meeting of the International Forum on Maritime Spatial Planning. They have discussed ongoing projects both in the EU and abroad and shared views on the challenges of planning public sea space across borders.

Blue Invest: EU plays business matchmaker for start-ups in the blue economy

Hundreds of innovative entrepreneurs and leading investors from across Europe are coming to Brussels today, looking for partners to create sustainable economic growth from our seas and oceans. Why? Because the European Commission is organising Blue Invest, the first-ever, EU-wide matchmaking event between start-ups and investors in the blue economy.