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Press releases/news articles

#BlueInvest goes local to Vigo, 23 October

#BlueInvest, the match-making event that brings together innovators and investors to boost the economic potential of the ocean while protecting its marine resources, goes local to Vigo on 23 October.

Fighting illegal fishing: authorities of Tuvalu in the Pacific reform their fisheries management following EU action

On 18 July, the European Commission has lifted its “yellow card” for Tuvalu. The yellow card is an official warning of the European Union towards its trading partners in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. By lifting the card, the European Commission recognises the important progress of Tuvalu in addressing the shortcomings in its fisheries governance.

SIOFA meeting adopts measures for sustainable fisheries in the South Indian Ocean

The Fifth Meeting of the Parties of the South Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) was held from 25-29 June in Phuket, Thailand. Parties, including the European Union, achieved significant progress on many fronts that will strengthen the organisation and help ensure the sustainable use of fish stocks in the South Indian Ocean.

EU and China sign landmark partnership on oceans

On 16 July, the European Union has signed a unique ocean partnership agreement with China. Two of the world’s largest ocean economies will work together to improve the international governance of the oceans in all its aspects, including by combating illegal fishing and promoting a sustainable blue economy.

€566 billion and growing: the EU blue economy is thriving

The EU's Blue Economy – all economic activities related to oceans, seas and coastal areas – is growing steadily, according to the EU’s first annual report on the blue economy. With a turnover of € 566 billion, the sector generates € 174 billion of value added and creates jobs for nearly 3.5 million people.

Unlocking the blue growth potential in the EU’s outermost regions

On 26 June, experts from the EU’s outermost regions join in Brussels to discuss how the blue economy can help give a new, sustainable impetus to their economies. The meeting is the first in its kind and a direct follow-up action of the EU’s new strategy towards the outermost regions.

Clean Ocean Energy: New EU funded projects

While the first tidal farms are being deployed in European waters and an increasing number of devices are being tested, the idea of generating clean energy from the oceans' waves is also gaining ground. However, as with all new technologies, we need to collect data, develop models and thoroughly understand the possible impacts on the marine environment.

Ocean energy - A new source of green, blue power

On 14 June, European Commissioner for environment, maritime affairs and fisheries Karmenu Vella inaugurated the world’s first large assembling plant for tidal turbines and devices, built by Naval Energies in Cherbourg, France. Tidal energy is a form of hydropower, or ocean energy, whereby turbines convert the kinetic energy of the tides into electricity.