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All 50 SEA LIFE aquariums worldwide join "World Aquariums Against Marine Litter"

The European Commission is delighted to announce that all 50 SEA LIFE aquariums and their charity partner SEA LIFE Trust have joined our "World Aquariums Against Marine litter", bringing the total number to 150.

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Maritime Affairs

date:  22/09/2017

The 50 SEA LIFE aquariums – from Australia over Thailand and Finland to Florida – bring the number of participating aquariums to a staggering 150 from 38 different countries on five continents. "Our campaign was launched this summer and has already allowed millions of aquarium visitors worldwide to see the effect of plastic waste in the ocean", said Commissioner Vella welcoming SEA LIFE on-board.

Every year millions of tons of litter end up in the ocean. It is estimated that by 2050 our seas could contain more plastic than fish, while contaminants already affect the health of millions. The campaign not only offers a glimpse of this grim reality, but it also proposes visitors concrete solutions to fight this growing and alarming phenomenon.

Marine pollution is one of six key themes on the agenda at the upcoming 4th edition of the #OurOcean conference, hosted for the first time by the European Union next 5 and 6 October, in Malta, when global leaders, including form the business sector, will gather to put forward ambitious and measurable commitments to preserve the oceans and seas for the future generations.

World aquariums against marine litter