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World Maritime Day: The EU is working for safer and prosper seas

Today we celebrate the World Maritime Day. With 50% of the EU population living in coastal regions, the maritime economy is of crucial importance for the EU economy as it represents 5.4 million jobs and generates more than €500 billion per year.

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Blue growth Maritime Affairs

date:  29/09/2016


  • 40% of EU internal commerce is seaborne,
  • The EU is a world leader in maritime transport as 30 % of world vessels and over 42% of the value of seaborne trade is managed by EU ship-owners,
  • 90% of the global offshore wind capacity is installed in European waters and half of the world's wave and tidal energy companies are based in Europe,
  • Coastal and maritime tourism employs 3.2 million people, generating a total of € 183 billion (over one third of the maritime economy).

To boost further the growth of maritime economy the EU invests in a Blue Growth strategy that supports sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors (aquaculture, ocean energy, coastal tourism, marine biotechnology, seabed mining).

But to maintain prosperity on our seas and oceans we have to keep them safe, secure and clean. The Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS) for the global maritime domain is a joint EU plan to respond to challenges that affect the security of people, activities and assets in the global maritime domain. It includes an action plan that involves many diverse partners, from the local to the international level. By working together more closely and planning ahead, the EU and its Member States can make better use of existing resources, enter more effective and credible international partnerships, thus ensuring safer seas for everyone.

Read more:

Blue growth

Maritime security strategy

World Maritime Day - Half of EU trade in goods is carried by sea - Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg busiest cargo ports