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Baltic Sea: sustainable fishing quotas set for 2017

The EU fisheries ministers have agreed on next year's fishing limits (TACs) for ten fish stocks of the Baltic Sea. These TACs were the first to be set in accordance with the long-term management plan for the Baltic basin that had recently been adopted by the Council and the European Parliament.

date:  11/10/2016

The agreement includes an increase in catches for herring (except in the Gulf of Riga), plaice, and salmon (except in the Gulf of Finland) in line with the Commission proposal. Ministers also decided for a smaller increase for sprat and for no increase for salmon in the main basin. These increases were made possible by the industry's efforts of previous years.

Moreover the following reductions were also agreed on: -25% for Eastern cod, -56% for Western cod, -11% for herring in the Gulf of Riga and -20% for salmon in the Gulf of Finland.

The cod stocks, and especially the Western stock, are deteriorating fast. To let them recover as quickly as possible, the Commission had proposed to reduce the current quota by 88%. However, as Member States agreed to complement quota reductions for Western cod by a comprehensive set of other conservation measures, such as the extension of the fisheries closure period from 6 to 8 weeks and limitations to daily catches by recreational anglers during the closure, the Commission is satisfied that the reductions agreed are consistent with both scientific advice and the multiannual management plan for the Baltic Sea. All the TACs agreed are in line with the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy, with the principles of the multiannual management plan for the Baltic sea, and with scientific advice, in particular the advice provided by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella is happy with the result: "Science, sustainability and socio-economic considerations have been our guiding principles. The protection of this emblematic species is important – but the livelihoods of our fishermen are also close to my heart, and I could not leave them to deal with such significant quota cuts on their own." Indeed the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund is available to national authorities to support the industry, and particularly artisanal fishermen, during this challenging but hopefully short period. Under the new Baltic management plan, Member States also have the possibility to adopt tailored measures through regionalisation, like for instance redistributing national quotas to those small fleet segments that are most affected.

Commissioner Vella said: "We count on local knowledge and expertise to further contribute to reversing the stock's alarming condition."

The Commissioner also received support from most Ministers to table a proposal for an effective recovery plan on swordfish this year at ICCAT which would foresee the introduction of a TAC.

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